Tips for removing old bloodstains? Anyone? I hear bleach works well?
Relax. I tend to hack the shit out of my legs while shaving, and I also tend to shave in the shower, which I tend to take at night right before bed, where I tend to sleep in the buff, leaving rather unsightly bloodstains on my sheets and blankets. I'm kind of meh, whatever...
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Relax. I tend to hack the shit out of my legs while shaving, and I also tend to shave in the shower, which I tend to take at night right before bed, where I tend to sleep in the buff, leaving rather unsightly bloodstains on my sheets and blankets. I'm kind of meh, whatever...
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Good, don't wash it till you cold-soak it like that. Hippy.
Anyway, blood has protein in it, and heat does things to protein; think eggs cooking
The proteins will bind around whatever they're on, like fibers from your sheets. The coldness doesn't matter cause once it's dried, it can't "dry more." And temperature isn't the thing that activates our clotting factors.
How was the dinner?!
Anyway, blood has protein in it, and heat does things to protein; think eggs cooking

How was the dinner?!
Wow, peach juice does sound amazing. I will definitely have to go.
I'm generally a big fan of all things bodily and medical, especially gross things, but stitches have always creeped me out. So the fact that my mouth is currently full of them, and they're poking the inside of my lower lip, is really not cool.
But anyhow, after a day of agony that I thankfully mostly slept through, I woke up today feeling only somewhat...
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But anyhow, after a day of agony that I thankfully mostly slept through, I woke up today feeling only somewhat...
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Pirates 2 was a serious let down. The sex is boring and repetitive. (another FFM threesome? shake it up people!)
Lesson Learned
Biting nails: trauma: surgery: stitches in the mouth.
Lesson Learned
Biting nails: trauma: surgery: stitches in the mouth.
Friday evening my tooth started hurting. Meh, whatever, right? More whiskey'll cure that.
But as the night wore on, and the drinks and aspirins piled up, it kept hurting. A LOT. By Saturday morning I was popping vicodins like tictacs and trying to find a dentist who would see me on a Saturday. I found someone in my neighborhood who would see me Monday, and...
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But as the night wore on, and the drinks and aspirins piled up, it kept hurting. A LOT. By Saturday morning I was popping vicodins like tictacs and trying to find a dentist who would see me on a Saturday. I found someone in my neighborhood who would see me Monday, and...
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Brushing and flossing is overrated. I haven't seen a dentist in like, 6 years, and I'm pretty sure it's all due to my whiskey intake.
Though your own experience might put into question this hypothesis.
Though your own experience might put into question this hypothesis.
I'm pretty sure whiskey isn't (unfortunately) an adequate substitute for brushing and flossing.
And just because you haven't seen a dentist in 6 years doesn't mean your teeth are safe from bone-disintegrating bacteria.
what is the cause of this crazy infection and how do i prevent it?
And just because you haven't seen a dentist in 6 years doesn't mean your teeth are safe from bone-disintegrating bacteria.
what is the cause of this crazy infection and how do i prevent it?
I think I'm over my Sasha Grey phase. I find her fascinating for a number of reasons, but damn, the talking gets old. Mostly how she keeps repeating "Gimme yr fat cock". Mix it up a little, Sasha. Please.
Ingrown hairs. I fucking hate ingrown hairs.
I always thought I didn't really give a shit about money or making a lot of it, but I...
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Ingrown hairs. I fucking hate ingrown hairs.
I always thought I didn't really give a shit about money or making a lot of it, but I...
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Yeah, Sasha Grey, less talk and more "Shut-the-fuck-up-and-suck-it"
um.. are you my secret admirerer?
um.. are you my secret admirerer?
i am far from over my Sasha Grey phase. but i like the dirty talk.
as for the My SG page - i have no idea why it's not loading for you, but when you click on it, look in the upper right corner where it has your picture and says "manage your stuff". there's a link to "Friends' Blogs Page" there and that'll take you to the old school way of viewing them. hopefully that works for you!

as for the My SG page - i have no idea why it's not loading for you, but when you click on it, look in the upper right corner where it has your picture and says "manage your stuff". there's a link to "Friends' Blogs Page" there and that'll take you to the old school way of viewing them. hopefully that works for you!
I love those moments in conversation when you're trying to work out something particularly complex, and then one of you throws out a metaphor, and a couple minutes later, the original topic has largely fallen by the wayside in favor of contemplating the many ways in which the metaphor is an apt characterization.
Other things I love at the moment include:
Toast, or rather, Toast...
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Other things I love at the moment include:
Toast, or rather, Toast...
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Audiences don't know somebody sits down and writes a picture; they think the actors make it up as they go along.
The first fifteen minutes of that movie, until he pulls into Norma's driveway, are a triumph
The first fifteen minutes of that movie, until he pulls into Norma's driveway, are a triumph
You know, the nice thing about having an SG blog again is that it gives me a place to post random shit that doesn't really seem to belong anywhere else. SO!
i HATE I do. It brings out the rage in me, mainly because the people who post reviews seem like such fucking douchebags. Most of the time they bitch about the service, which...
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i HATE I do. It brings out the rage in me, mainly because the people who post reviews seem like such fucking douchebags. Most of the time they bitch about the service, which...
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Hello SGland! Some kind person saw fit to buy me my account for 3 months as a gift. Thanks, anonymous gift giver!
Pretty crazy to see that last journal post, talk about trip down memory lane. Well, I passed my exams. I wrote and defended a proposal, and now I'm living the good life workin' on the dissertation. Life is pretty good. I'm a mellower,...
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Pretty crazy to see that last journal post, talk about trip down memory lane. Well, I passed my exams. I wrote and defended a proposal, and now I'm living the good life workin' on the dissertation. Life is pretty good. I'm a mellower,...
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Those people above are lying. It was me.
I bought myself one too?
I bought myself one too?
Also, I'm pretty sure the Lady did, but doesn't check her yahoo email anymore or something like that.
Also, I'm pretty sure the Lady did, but doesn't check her yahoo email anymore or something like that.
4 days left to my exams.
But today, I took an ego day. Woke up late, went and got some breakfast with my buddy Russ (it has been WAY too long since I got me a proper breakfast out), then we headed to the movies with our friend Lolade (every time i hang out with that girl, i remember how fucking amazing she is, and...
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But today, I took an ego day. Woke up late, went and got some breakfast with my buddy Russ (it has been WAY too long since I got me a proper breakfast out), then we headed to the movies with our friend Lolade (every time i hang out with that girl, i remember how fucking amazing she is, and...
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here are some more.

here are some more.
you're so cool
Here she checked herself in some alarm, at hearing something that
sounded to her like the puffing of a large steam-engine in the wood
near them, though she feared it was more likely to be a wild beast.
"Are there any lions or tigers about here?" she asked timidly.
"It's only the Red King snoring," said Tweedledee.
"Come and look at him!" the brothers cried,...
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sounded to her like the puffing of a large steam-engine in the wood
near them, though she feared it was more likely to be a wild beast.
"Are there any lions or tigers about here?" she asked timidly.
"It's only the Red King snoring," said Tweedledee.
"Come and look at him!" the brothers cried,...
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why is all of the text on your page in italics but not like that on anyone elses page?

um, no. everywhere all over your page... all the comments under your journal, all the captions under the profile pics, testimonials, etc... nevermind no big deal just an observation...

I hope you find him!