Well, today my boss asked me if I had ever heard of a drink called Mr. Boston. I hadn't. She explained that it was egg-nog that you can get all year round. Wow. AND it's already got the whiskey in it. So, then she asked me if I wanted to try some and sent me to the liquor store to get it. This is at 3:00pm. So, I get in my car and realize that I was supposed to get off of work at 3. Shit! I was going to have to get the drink, drop it off, and then go home without even a taste. (Yes, we drink at work sometimes. It makes selling puppies so much more fun.) Well, when I got to the store I was just feeling so deprived, so I bought myself a bottle to take home. It is soooo good. If you like eggnog, then this is perfect and you don't have to wait till the holidays to get it.

know any good jokes?