I had to take Vanny to the hospital last night...another kidney stone...today he is BACK at the hospital so they can run some tests on him to find out why he gets them so much...he's passed like 4 or 5 in his lifetime and he's only 37...they're thinking there may be something wrong with his kidneys...god I hope not...my dad had kidney failure and had to do the whole dialysis thing...it was horrible...it deteriorates your bones so badly..the last year of his life he was confined to a wheelchair...he was only 54 yrs old, but they said his bones were like that of an 80 yr old man...sigh...I hope they can reverse whatever it is before it comes to that....bleh...now I'm ill...I was just thinking about how my dad ended up in the wheelchair...most horrilble...he and my mom were picking out a Christmas tree and he was climbing up these steps into one of those trucks and both his knees snapped...
I can't stand to see other people hurting or in pain or sick...which is why I had to let go of the whole nursing career thing...I'm just too empathetic for my own damn good...sigh...
And now, to keep us all from getting depressed, here is a collage of my beautiful Zada! Isn't she so pretty and shiny? And her ears feel like velvet! She's such a sweetie pie!

And now, to keep us all from getting depressed, here is a collage of my beautiful Zada! Isn't she so pretty and shiny? And her ears feel like velvet! She's such a sweetie pie!

i hope your vanny is gonna be okay!!!