YAY YAY YAY! Zada is back home now! A lady called me yesterday and said her son and some other kids down the street were playing with her. She had been given a bath and everything so I'd imagine someone with kids had taken her in....seeing as I searched the street and never found her and she was like only 5 houses down yesterday...well fed...but she's found!!
The woman's son looked so depressed having to bring her back though...I felt badly...but you know...had the kids been here I would have sent them out with her so they could all keep playing with her, but they weren't...and my step-son had two cute little girls come knocking on the door looking for him yesterday..we are going to have to watch that little squirt! LOL He IS a cutie after all...a blonde headed version of his daddy! LOL And now I am off to work, off to work....just one three hour house today and then I can come home and spend some time with my man...who is sleeping right now and has been since before I got home from work yesterday...making up for 1.5 weeks of getting only 3 hours of sleep a night I would imagine...and my puppy head, Zada!
........life is so good right now...we have money in the bank, low stress levels, Zada is back home, and Vanny is home....nothing odd better happen damn it!

send some of the nothing better shit my way. i need to feel that way.
YAY Zada's back and your stepson is pimpin!