Well, today we are finally going to finish getting everything out of the garage and off to Salvatin Army...I am sooooo excited! It will be nice to have space in the garage for once...since we've been here a year now! lol
I made my very first skirt yesterday! Okay...so I'm not completely finished with it..but it's finished for the most part...I just have to sew some buttons on it. But OMG it is going to be sooooo cute when I'm done! It's for my youngest. I found this old cotton slip in a bag her mother brought over to put in our yard sale...and I thought the ruffle on the bottom would be so cute sticking out just below the bottom of a skirt...so I took some material...improvised...and created one...it's not perfect by any means...I have never really used my sewing machine before AND the skirt had an elastic band, so I had to work really hard to stretch out the elastic so I could sew the material on there where it would stretch with the elastic as well...and with no pattern...yeah...but OMG it will be sooooo cute when I'm done! I'm going to attempt to make a matching top to go with it today..I'll take pics and post them when I'm done! YAY!.....after this, I may attempt a sun dress for her...that one I DO have a pattern for though...so it ought to be easier...I hope...I've actually never used a pattern before either! lol I've also got to figure out how to switch out the thread in my sewing machine or else everything will have to be compatible with navy thread! LOL....I'm feeling all domestic! lol That's what happens when we have the kids for like two months non-stop! lol....hehehe...I was just looking at my profile pic and thought how odd I must look sitting in front of a sewing machine! LOL
I bleached my hair again yesterday...I was trying to get it white blonde...it's close, but not quite there..plus I wanted my roots to be lighter because it had already grown like a quarter of an inch in the past week...my hair grows unnaturally fast people! I told that to a hairdresser once and she laughed at me...and when I was back in 4 weeks later, with my hair having already grown a full inch, she was like...damn! Probably has a little bit to do with my low carb diet...I pretty much eat nothing but protein...and cheese! lol Mmmmmm...cheese! lol...but that was not what I was talking about...anywho...I will be SO glad when I hair gets just a little bit longer. The sides and back are now laying down flat against my head, but it's still standing up on the top of my head and I just want that to lay down too so I can put some styling wax in it and make it look cool...as it is now, I just kind of have to take what it gives me! lol Okay...
I made my very first skirt yesterday! Okay...so I'm not completely finished with it..but it's finished for the most part...I just have to sew some buttons on it. But OMG it is going to be sooooo cute when I'm done! It's for my youngest. I found this old cotton slip in a bag her mother brought over to put in our yard sale...and I thought the ruffle on the bottom would be so cute sticking out just below the bottom of a skirt...so I took some material...improvised...and created one...it's not perfect by any means...I have never really used my sewing machine before AND the skirt had an elastic band, so I had to work really hard to stretch out the elastic so I could sew the material on there where it would stretch with the elastic as well...and with no pattern...yeah...but OMG it will be sooooo cute when I'm done! I'm going to attempt to make a matching top to go with it today..I'll take pics and post them when I'm done! YAY!.....after this, I may attempt a sun dress for her...that one I DO have a pattern for though...so it ought to be easier...I hope...I've actually never used a pattern before either! lol I've also got to figure out how to switch out the thread in my sewing machine or else everything will have to be compatible with navy thread! LOL....I'm feeling all domestic! lol That's what happens when we have the kids for like two months non-stop! lol....hehehe...I was just looking at my profile pic and thought how odd I must look sitting in front of a sewing machine! LOL
I bleached my hair again yesterday...I was trying to get it white blonde...it's close, but not quite there..plus I wanted my roots to be lighter because it had already grown like a quarter of an inch in the past week...my hair grows unnaturally fast people! I told that to a hairdresser once and she laughed at me...and when I was back in 4 weeks later, with my hair having already grown a full inch, she was like...damn! Probably has a little bit to do with my low carb diet...I pretty much eat nothing but protein...and cheese! lol Mmmmmm...cheese! lol...but that was not what I was talking about...anywho...I will be SO glad when I hair gets just a little bit longer. The sides and back are now laying down flat against my head, but it's still standing up on the top of my head and I just want that to lay down too so I can put some styling wax in it and make it look cool...as it is now, I just kind of have to take what it gives me! lol Okay...

That lady sounds like a complete loonie.