Well...all hell broke lose this weekend...figures after a weekend of lots of fun that beast woman would begin to rage. Her sister, our oldest's aunt, wrote me an email about her appearance on Mother's Day. She said she was dressed inappropriately and that we really needed to be more concerned about her and blah, blah, blah, so I wrote her back. Not that it was any of her business anyway, but she wrote me so I wrote her back. Well, she then sent that email on to our oldest's mother and SHE responded to me about it. Oh she ranted about how I don't know her daughter and how I am NOT her mother NOR step-mother and that I'm just a live in girl friend and I dont' have any say over any of the kids and that I'm an adulterous woman and that even though she lived with a man out of wedlock, while married to Vanny, in front of the kids and got pregnant with an illegitimate child that is was different because she was expecting to get an divorce and when she realized it wasn't going to happen she moved out and repented of her ways (which the guy kicked her and the kids out of the house by the way...she didn't leave...she and the kids had to spend the night in her truck, and he was going to chuck all her stuff out on the front lawn until she called the cops to have them escort her back over there to get it...and I'M living badly in front of the kids?) Anyway, and she said Vanny was a lier and a bad father and just thrashed on him...of course, she was just trying to turn me against him..you see, she wants me out of the picture so he will see the error of his ways and come back to her. She tried to play on my maternal instincts once by saying "oh, you'll understand one day...when you have kids of your own....I doubt Vanny will ever get unfixed" So basically, if you ever want to have children of your own, and I know you do, you'll just have to leave Vanny. Fortunately I'm not that stupid. If I REALLY wanted children of my own badly enough what he had done is reversable. We've alrready discussed that if the time ever came. But anyway, and then she tried the whole, he must not respect you if he's till married to me and just living with you and you've done this for him and that and he has a whole lack of repsect for women in general because he blah, blah, blah...which was a load of bullshit if I ever heard any! So I simply told her I wasn't going to respond to her letter because the letter I wrote was to her sister and not her and that I didn't want to argue with her and that I agreed that we needed to get the divorce done and over with so that Vanny and I can be legal. And she freaked the fuck out people! She wrote me back and just absolutely went bolistic on me...and she did this because she doesn't want a divorce...which is why they are still married by the way...we can't afford a lawyer, but she can get one free because she is a single mother of 4 now...but she sits on her hands because she keeps waiting for me to leave. Anyway, so NOW she wants to file a restraining order against me, based on my appearance, saying that I am a negative influence on the kids and thet the problems that lie between she and her oldest are my fault and that I am bidding her against her and she told Vanny that with a restraining order against me she could make it so that he can't see the kids until I am out of the picture..this is like an ex-girlfriend gone psycho basically...she couldn't persuade me to leave so now she's going to take legal actions to FORCE me to leave so that he will go back to her. Is that not the most insane thing you've ever heard? The woman has completely flown off her rocker! I mean, I knew she was unstable, but I had no idea she was THAT psychologically unstable! And I mean...I can understand...she's a single mother of four children and she's desperate. She can't keep a man...I know it has to be frustrating...but god, it's not my fault! I'm not the one that ruined their marriage! She did that on her own! And I feel for her, i really do, but she's done all of this to herself.....the thought of not being able to see the kids just rips my heart out...I love them so much....
Okay, I had to go get a grip on myself....I was starting to get a little too emotional there for a moment....man, karma is a bitch, you know it? But anyway, here are a few pics from the weekend...there are more in my Folder of Change and I will be putting more in there later too. We probably took close to a thousand pictures total and I am not exaggerating here either. So I will have lots more to post...I just have to go through them all and re-size them first.

Okay, I had to go get a grip on myself....I was starting to get a little too emotional there for a moment....man, karma is a bitch, you know it? But anyway, here are a few pics from the weekend...there are more in my Folder of Change and I will be putting more in there later too. We probably took close to a thousand pictures total and I am not exaggerating here either. So I will have lots more to post...I just have to go through them all and re-size them first.

love the new profile pic.
have i mentioned how hot you are?