Well, I like my new hair but it is making it VERY difficult for me to get dressed now. Black went with everything, and I had it burgundy before that which was a kind of cooler shade of red...but now it's a warm shade of red..like a dark auburn...so I can't wear my pink shirts now...I'm kind of limited in my wardrobe....which is odd...
We are going back to Florida this weekend to visit IndustrialPet and Raptorsclaw yet again. This time we will hopfeully get some good pics! lol
I was accepted as a model for another site, but I'm not going to list it here because that would be BAD! lol Besides, I still plan on applying for SG again in three months. So I'm excited about that. It's a new site so the pay is a fraction of what they pay here, but it will be cool to be an original model for something. IndustrialPet is also going to model for them so we are going to be doing a girl/girl set this weekend!
I am sick and it sucks ass..actually I'm feeling better now..I've been taking antibiotics and lots of cough syrup...I'm suprised I haven't just coughed up a lung yet! lol But the antibiotics seem to be getting rid of my sore throat so that is good. I just hope it goes away completely before I run out...they were given to me by a friend so it wasn't a complete prescription..you know how that goes! lol
Well, we think Nissan has mange..isn't that just lovely? Her hair is getting thinner and thinner in certain areas and she's starting to not look so healthy...her coat doesn't have that same sheen it used to...thank god we haven't really introduced her to Trowser yet! So we're going to have to take her to the vet soon....sigh...
Well, no luck on the job front with Vanny yet..so we are now thinking about trying our luck in Baton Rouge, Lafayette, and New Orleans....cross your fingers because I would LOVE an exuse to move out of this place! Most of my friends live in Baton Rouge anyway! lol And that sums it up for today!
The kids were supposed to go to their mom's today...and you have to realize we have them every day now...she gets them every other weekend and we keep them the rest of the time, SO she wanted to keep them tonight for a change...I guess she was maybe, I don't know, starting to miss them? Since they are, after all, her kids?? Well, naturally she just called and said she won't be home in time to get them off the school bus so we have to go get them...and she said she would be home about an hour after that...yeah right...they will end up all spending the night here...just watch....if she actually gets them, sometime before their bedtime I will just shit myself! And we had dinner plans with another couple tonight too...I guess we have to cancel that now...sigh...
We are going back to Florida this weekend to visit IndustrialPet and Raptorsclaw yet again. This time we will hopfeully get some good pics! lol
I was accepted as a model for another site, but I'm not going to list it here because that would be BAD! lol Besides, I still plan on applying for SG again in three months. So I'm excited about that. It's a new site so the pay is a fraction of what they pay here, but it will be cool to be an original model for something. IndustrialPet is also going to model for them so we are going to be doing a girl/girl set this weekend!
I am sick and it sucks ass..actually I'm feeling better now..I've been taking antibiotics and lots of cough syrup...I'm suprised I haven't just coughed up a lung yet! lol But the antibiotics seem to be getting rid of my sore throat so that is good. I just hope it goes away completely before I run out...they were given to me by a friend so it wasn't a complete prescription..you know how that goes! lol
Well, we think Nissan has mange..isn't that just lovely? Her hair is getting thinner and thinner in certain areas and she's starting to not look so healthy...her coat doesn't have that same sheen it used to...thank god we haven't really introduced her to Trowser yet! So we're going to have to take her to the vet soon....sigh...
Well, no luck on the job front with Vanny yet..so we are now thinking about trying our luck in Baton Rouge, Lafayette, and New Orleans....cross your fingers because I would LOVE an exuse to move out of this place! Most of my friends live in Baton Rouge anyway! lol And that sums it up for today!

The kids were supposed to go to their mom's today...and you have to realize we have them every day now...she gets them every other weekend and we keep them the rest of the time, SO she wanted to keep them tonight for a change...I guess she was maybe, I don't know, starting to miss them? Since they are, after all, her kids?? Well, naturally she just called and said she won't be home in time to get them off the school bus so we have to go get them...and she said she would be home about an hour after that...yeah right...they will end up all spending the night here...just watch....if she actually gets them, sometime before their bedtime I will just shit myself! And we had dinner plans with another couple tonight too...I guess we have to cancel that now...sigh...
aww, thats not sad at all - it means you care to write me - you could have not sent it, ya know?

thanks for that. richmond is in july so i have tons of time to think about it.