As promised, here is a picture of my well beaten ghetto booty! lol
And if you want to see the rest of the pics surrounding that beating go here Weekend in Florida I tried to take everyone's face out but mine so hopefully they pics aren't too odd looking! lol
Oh I had the weirdest dream last night...I was sitting there with three other people and a fortune teller. The fortune teller was showing everyone their lives and then telling them what the future held for them. She got to me last...she showed me my life of partying and drugs and alcohol and then she said "you are walking right into Death". I woke up in complete shock people! So now I have decided to lay low on the party scale for a while and try to incorporate a little more exercise into my life. I've already been trying to eat healthier. I mean, I don't neccessarily want to live until I'm like 90 or anything crazy like that...I mean who wants to live long enough to wear diapers again and have other people spoon feed you while you drool on yourself and live in a constant state of confusion? But at the same time, I don't want to die young either....and there ya have it!
On a good note, Vanny is finding all sorts of computer network administrator jobs! They are popping up all over the place now! It's weird because just 6 to 8 months ago there was NOTHING! He ended up getting a job at CompUSA working for peanuts because he needed a job and there just weren't any good ones out there! Hopefully a few of them will call him back this next week...fingers crossed. They are ranging between 50k - 80k...80k would naturally be my choice, but you know...anything would be nice at this point!
I'm so excited...and I just can't hide it! lol

And if you want to see the rest of the pics surrounding that beating go here Weekend in Florida I tried to take everyone's face out but mine so hopefully they pics aren't too odd looking! lol
Oh I had the weirdest dream last night...I was sitting there with three other people and a fortune teller. The fortune teller was showing everyone their lives and then telling them what the future held for them. She got to me last...she showed me my life of partying and drugs and alcohol and then she said "you are walking right into Death". I woke up in complete shock people! So now I have decided to lay low on the party scale for a while and try to incorporate a little more exercise into my life. I've already been trying to eat healthier. I mean, I don't neccessarily want to live until I'm like 90 or anything crazy like that...I mean who wants to live long enough to wear diapers again and have other people spoon feed you while you drool on yourself and live in a constant state of confusion? But at the same time, I don't want to die young either....and there ya have it!
On a good note, Vanny is finding all sorts of computer network administrator jobs! They are popping up all over the place now! It's weird because just 6 to 8 months ago there was NOTHING! He ended up getting a job at CompUSA working for peanuts because he needed a job and there just weren't any good ones out there! Hopefully a few of them will call him back this next week...fingers crossed. They are ranging between 50k - 80k...80k would naturally be my choice, but you know...anything would be nice at this point!

will u share pics i hope? 

very hot pics.....Tell Vanny I'm a network engineer and I have to noticed the job market picky up greatly - just not in new orleans area though I