Stupid IRS! Okay, so we filed our taxes right? We were supposed to get like $3,500 back right? They wrote us and said they were keeping $2,500 for back taxes! What the fuck?!?! So now we are only going to be slightly over $400! We were really depending on that money too with Vanny being unemployed! He's delivering books for his ex right now, but that's only paying $200 a week...not a very healthy salary, ya know? That buys gas and groceries and that's pretty much it...we have BILLS people!! BILLS! I bet the IRS people can pay their bills! The only reason we were getting the extra money was because we've had a dependent the past now getting a job on my part is more pressing...but I really can't until the puppy is atleast big enough to be put outside during the day...Trowser would eat her alive if we put her out there right now...and the garage is too dangerous for her..and I'm the only person that watches her to make sure she isn't using the bathroom on the floor...obviously we can't afford to build walls and put in a doggie door now...stupid fucking IRS! AND on top of that, they didn't even deposit it into our account the bills we have due today are going to all be late! AND, we were going to visit some friends in Florida we can't do that either...and if it doesn't go in by midnight tonight we are going to be SCREWED I tell you! SCREWED up the ass with no LUBE!...sigh....
On a happier note...a kind of bitter happy note actually, Nissan is doing really well...too bad the IRS didn't tell me they were jipping us $2500 before we decided to adopt her! We're going to keep her...but this means she and Trowser can't even meet for a while because she hasn't had ANY of her shots yet..and we can't afford to take her! AND Trowser is due for his annual shots and is in SERIOUS need of grooming...and that can't happen either now...fucking IRS from HELL! But here are some pics of Nissan...isn't she a cutie pie? Does anybody know what kind of dog she is? She looks like one of those little fox like black dogs with the big fluffy ears, but for the life of me I can't remember what they're's not a Corgi either...her legs are too long....

GAWD!!!! I am attempting to house train Nissan by crate training...kind of..I don't have a crate her size so I just put up a puppy gate in the kitchen area with a blanket and toys and her food and water on one end and newpaper on the rest of the floor just incase...but she seems to not want to be that close to her poop and stuff so she's been doing really well in that respect...but DEAR GOD at the screaming! She has some SERIOUS seperation anxiety! I mean SERIOUS! I"ve gone through seperation anxiety with two dogs now...and this is the worst I've ever seen! She continues to wimper even after you go back in there and get her...AND if you're standing there but she's behind the puppy gate, even though she can see you she is still screaming! I actually have a headache now...but damn it! I want to house train her..I can't just let her run around pooping everywhere! Plus, we had to put her on some type of puppy food and since we don't know what she was eating before I'm sure it's doing a number on her intestines...she hasn't been pooping NEARLY as much in the past two days...she hasn't pooped at all today in fact..and only like twice yesterday...I mean...maybe that's normal? I'm just used to Trowser who eats like a horse and poops 50 times a freaking day! But I thought puppies pooped more often than now I'm thinking...okay, does she need to go to the bathroom maybe? But I JUST put her back there like 10 mins ago and I took her out twice right before there is no way! I'm just going to go about my day and try and take her out in another 10 mins or forgot how horrible seperation anxiety is...
On a happier note...a kind of bitter happy note actually, Nissan is doing really well...too bad the IRS didn't tell me they were jipping us $2500 before we decided to adopt her! We're going to keep her...but this means she and Trowser can't even meet for a while because she hasn't had ANY of her shots yet..and we can't afford to take her! AND Trowser is due for his annual shots and is in SERIOUS need of grooming...and that can't happen either now...fucking IRS from HELL! But here are some pics of Nissan...isn't she a cutie pie? Does anybody know what kind of dog she is? She looks like one of those little fox like black dogs with the big fluffy ears, but for the life of me I can't remember what they're's not a Corgi either...her legs are too long....

GAWD!!!! I am attempting to house train Nissan by crate training...kind of..I don't have a crate her size so I just put up a puppy gate in the kitchen area with a blanket and toys and her food and water on one end and newpaper on the rest of the floor just incase...but she seems to not want to be that close to her poop and stuff so she's been doing really well in that respect...but DEAR GOD at the screaming! She has some SERIOUS seperation anxiety! I mean SERIOUS! I"ve gone through seperation anxiety with two dogs now...and this is the worst I've ever seen! She continues to wimper even after you go back in there and get her...AND if you're standing there but she's behind the puppy gate, even though she can see you she is still screaming! I actually have a headache now...but damn it! I want to house train her..I can't just let her run around pooping everywhere! Plus, we had to put her on some type of puppy food and since we don't know what she was eating before I'm sure it's doing a number on her intestines...she hasn't been pooping NEARLY as much in the past two days...she hasn't pooped at all today in fact..and only like twice yesterday...I mean...maybe that's normal? I'm just used to Trowser who eats like a horse and poops 50 times a freaking day! But I thought puppies pooped more often than now I'm thinking...okay, does she need to go to the bathroom maybe? But I JUST put her back there like 10 mins ago and I took her out twice right before there is no way! I'm just going to go about my day and try and take her out in another 10 mins or forgot how horrible seperation anxiety is...

As for your puppy,it's kinda early to tell.She could totally change colors in a few months or something,but she's very very cute!