Hmmmmm...wayull it appears as though we are going to be getting the kids after school every day until Vanny gets a job now...their mom is like "I'm the only one working and it's hard for me to work when I have the kids here at 3pm in the afternoon"...I wish I had a job where I could get off at jobs used to last until 5 - 5:30pm...but that's not the point...the point is she was the one that insisted on getting the kids after school in the first place and now she's saying it's all our fault she never has any time to do anything. She was going to do all her work early in the morning so she could be there for the kids after school because she didn't want me watching them's funny how the tables turn isn't it? My main concern is since she's the only one working, and we basically have zero income right now, i don't know how we're going to feed them...hell, when Vanny WAS working and we had the kids after school every day we were barely making it...atleast she gets food stamps and WIC...we have to buy our food...and three kids eat a LOT of I don't know what to do...Vanny has to de-tox before he can apply for any good jobs because they all require a drug test and the same with we're kinda screwed at the moment...I think he is going to apply for food stamps and unemployment today...that will help a typing that I feel like a druggie bum! LOL I'm really not...I take care of the household chores and I only do social drugs on every few months or so...but the occasion wasn't that long there ya have it. LOL
Well, I dyed my hair black and it looks sooooooo much better! There is nothing worse than faded out hair! lol Well..actually it just looked like my natural color but for some reason I don't think the cut looks as cute when it's my natural color...maybe it's just me...or maybe it's because it's my natural color! LOL new profile pic is pretty much my natural color so the black isn't that much of a difference..but it does add a little snap to it I think....
LOL..our bottomless pit is screaming she's hungry...I kid you not that child can eat like no one I've ever seen before! She had a corndog, black eyed peas and a slice of corn bread...and she's still hungry..and she's 7 years old! If I ate as much as she does I would weigh 300 lbs! I kid you not!
Looky! Looky!! This is my friend from Houston! I didn't even know she was a member! YAY!!
Her user ID is KCgirl so go give her some love!
Well, I dyed my hair black and it looks sooooooo much better! There is nothing worse than faded out hair! lol Well..actually it just looked like my natural color but for some reason I don't think the cut looks as cute when it's my natural color...maybe it's just me...or maybe it's because it's my natural color! LOL new profile pic is pretty much my natural color so the black isn't that much of a difference..but it does add a little snap to it I think....
LOL..our bottomless pit is screaming she's hungry...I kid you not that child can eat like no one I've ever seen before! She had a corndog, black eyed peas and a slice of corn bread...and she's still hungry..and she's 7 years old! If I ate as much as she does I would weigh 300 lbs! I kid you not!
Looky! Looky!! This is my friend from Houston! I didn't even know she was a member! YAY!!

Her user ID is KCgirl so go give her some love!


Did you make it to Colettes?