You's the craziest thing but I went to get my hair cut yesterday and my usual hair dresser is in the hospital with pneumonia so I had to get it cut by someone else...and it is NOT the same hair cut I would like to add..but that's another story...ANYWAY, so after he cut it I decided to see if he could cut my step-son's hair..and he was look too young to have a I asked him how old he thought I're not going to believe this...16!!! He thought I was freakin' 16 yrs old! LOL I mean, I know I look young but DAMN! lol I was thinking I looked around 18 or 19 without my make-up on but good grief! LOL Anyway, so there ya have it! LOL
My hair...I don't know what to think about it...I actually had to take some off of it myself when I got home looks better..but it's just not the same cut I'm used's almost...ALMOST people..ALMOST...a fem mullet..which is just not me...but when I fix it, it looks more feminine..sigh...I can't wait until my hair dresser gets out of the hospital and back to the salon...PLEASE let her be there by the time I need another hair cut...which by the looks of it..won't be too long...he cut the sides the right length, but he left the top longer and the back longer...AND he didn't thin out the top like I asked him to..I have REALLY thick hair so if it's not thinned each time it's cut I look like I have a straight afro! LOL It literally stands straight up...and it's so thick up there right now I can hardly get gel in where the roots are to style it properly..sigh...but you's not the first "I'm not real happy with this" hair cut I've had..I won't say "bad" hair cut because he actually did do a good job...if I wanted a fem mullet....anywho..and there's my hair rant....I cut a good inch off the bottom of it when I got home so it looks TONS better now...Vanny is much more happy with it too..when I first got home both Vanny and the kids were concerned! LOL I'm thinking about taking a little more off the bottom, but I'm still's hard to cut the back of your hair yourself...and I'd hate to really fuck it up! LOL
On Christianity and the church.....what are your thoughts? What do you think about world missions? Sending people overseas to hand out bibles to starving peoples? What do you think about large church buildings and fundraisers for fellowship halls and...shoot..what the hell do they call those know..the buildings with the basketball court and the additional classrooms..activity buildings, when there are homeless people living on the streets in the surrounding communities? Do you think they're priorities are straight?
My opinion...I think churchs should convert their buildings into something more useful (see below) and all become cell based..out of people's homes..I think the money they spend on huge, beautiful church buildings should be spent on building places for the less fortunate to stay...hospitals..non-profit medical organizations...counselling centers...homeless shelters...the options are limitless...and why are we spending thousands of dollars to send our kids overseas on mission trips when there are homeless people right here in the US? Is it a bribe to get kids to get involved...because maybe they wouldnt' be as interested if they weren't gong someplace cool? Yes..I think so...Why are we spending so much money on little bibles and flyers when we could be spending that money on things the homeless actually food, water, clothing and shelter? It's like..okay, you're dying so instead of helping you live we're going to give you this piece of paper with words on it so you can have a pleasant after life! I don't me it's just a little off....
And my good journal friends are all being zotted damn it! I don't have THAT many people that write me on a daily basis so when the few I do get zotted for voicing thier opions it's really quite depressing...first Industrialpet and Raptorsclaw..and now Burstandbloom....sigh...
My hair...I don't know what to think about it...I actually had to take some off of it myself when I got home looks better..but it's just not the same cut I'm used's almost...ALMOST people..ALMOST...a fem mullet..which is just not me...but when I fix it, it looks more feminine..sigh...I can't wait until my hair dresser gets out of the hospital and back to the salon...PLEASE let her be there by the time I need another hair cut...which by the looks of it..won't be too long...he cut the sides the right length, but he left the top longer and the back longer...AND he didn't thin out the top like I asked him to..I have REALLY thick hair so if it's not thinned each time it's cut I look like I have a straight afro! LOL It literally stands straight up...and it's so thick up there right now I can hardly get gel in where the roots are to style it properly..sigh...but you's not the first "I'm not real happy with this" hair cut I've had..I won't say "bad" hair cut because he actually did do a good job...if I wanted a fem mullet....anywho..and there's my hair rant....I cut a good inch off the bottom of it when I got home so it looks TONS better now...Vanny is much more happy with it too..when I first got home both Vanny and the kids were concerned! LOL I'm thinking about taking a little more off the bottom, but I'm still's hard to cut the back of your hair yourself...and I'd hate to really fuck it up! LOL
On Christianity and the church.....what are your thoughts? What do you think about world missions? Sending people overseas to hand out bibles to starving peoples? What do you think about large church buildings and fundraisers for fellowship halls and...shoot..what the hell do they call those know..the buildings with the basketball court and the additional classrooms..activity buildings, when there are homeless people living on the streets in the surrounding communities? Do you think they're priorities are straight?
My opinion...I think churchs should convert their buildings into something more useful (see below) and all become cell based..out of people's homes..I think the money they spend on huge, beautiful church buildings should be spent on building places for the less fortunate to stay...hospitals..non-profit medical organizations...counselling centers...homeless shelters...the options are limitless...and why are we spending thousands of dollars to send our kids overseas on mission trips when there are homeless people right here in the US? Is it a bribe to get kids to get involved...because maybe they wouldnt' be as interested if they weren't gong someplace cool? Yes..I think so...Why are we spending so much money on little bibles and flyers when we could be spending that money on things the homeless actually food, water, clothing and shelter? It's like..okay, you're dying so instead of helping you live we're going to give you this piece of paper with words on it so you can have a pleasant after life! I don't me it's just a little off....
And my good journal friends are all being zotted damn it! I don't have THAT many people that write me on a daily basis so when the few I do get zotted for voicing thier opions it's really quite depressing...first Industrialpet and Raptorsclaw..and now Burstandbloom....sigh...
