Well...rough night last night...first of all, we were supposed to leave town around 6:00pm so we could get to NOLA in time to see Parikhan belly dance at the Hookah Cafe...well, Vandilous ended up having to work late so it was almost 9:00pm when we finally got on the road...and her show went on around 9:15 soooooooooo...we missed it...but not only that..we missed the whole damn show...we got there slightly after midnight...sigh..but I was like..it's okay..we're going to have fun anyway! So I was rolling..I was happy...I hugged parikhan and got her earing caught in my beanie cap..Vanny got it undone after a minute or two, but I was worried for a while there....we were walking down the street when my tongue ring popped out of my mouth and onto the lovely streets of NOLA! Yes people...in the dirt...my tongue piercing...that goes in my MOUTH! See, your mouth and the streets of NOLA should never meet...anyway, so we cleaned it off and I had no choice but to put it back in...so then we start going to a few clubs and such but it is DEAD people! I don't know where everyone went, but I've never seen it that dead before! It was odd...and THEN my roll started to go bad..either that or I got a stomach virus..still not sure about that yet...one of my friends was over here the other day and she had a stomach virus..when I described to her how I was feeling she said it sounded exactly like what she had...of course..she wasn't rolling...so who knows! But I have NEVER had a bad roll before so it was odd....so here is Parikhan and Pingz and they're finally starting to get into the party mood, and I'm like the walking dead! I felt sooooo horrible! And nothing I did helped! I tried drinking water, orange juice..sprite..nothing...I'm just wondering if karma wasn't after me last night...because I sent the kids to Carrie's house, giving her no option but to watch them...but still...not only does she do that to us all the time..the agreement had been that she was going to have the kids this weekend so we could swap kid weekends around...per HER request..and then she called up on Thursday and said she changed her mind and we needed to keep the kids this weekend...what I did seems fair...but then again...I don't know...she does this kind of stuff to us all the time and she has the most miserable existence of any human being I have EVER know..if someone isn't dead, they are dying, or thinking about dying, or SHOULD be dying..or some other such drama, the likes of which I had never seen until I met her...it's just crazy! And I'm a firm believer in what goes around comes around..you will reap what you sew...I am actually going to have "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" tatooed on my body somewhere...sigh...I guess I learned my lesson...it's better to bend over backwards for people who show no appreciation and live a happy, prosperous life, than to get revenge and have to suffer the consequences...just my theory here people..but it seems to be accurate..atleast from what I've seen in my life anyway...sorry I drug you into my bad karma guys!! Hopefully next time will be MUCH better!!
Anywho, I feel like hammered shit today...we were supposed to stick around NOLA today and walk around for a while..we didn't make it..we ended up driving back around 6am or so...I was so bummed too...I had really wanted to enjoy my day there with Vanny. Just walk around the streets, just the two of us. We never get to do that. Anyway, I got 4 hours of sleep people..I got up at 5am yesterday, and finally went to bed at 8:30am this morning..in the car, so kind of a bumpy nap anyway..and then a good three hours sleep at home..and here I am..totally awake..had I known all i needed was 4 hours we could have just taken a nap in the car! Oh well..there will be other times..hope all of you are having a fabulous weekend!
Hey, we actually managed to get three pics this time! The weekend we met Morningstar and MrsMisha we forgot the damn thing! Anywho, here's one of Parikhan and Pingz, and just for the record..she is even more beautiful in person! And she has a GREAT personality! I just wish I hadn't become such a party pooper damn it..anywho....
And here is one with Parikhan, Pingz and myself..okay and don't laugh..I look like a kid in this picture! But just for the record, Parikhan had on high heels..and I didn't...so seeeeeeeeee.....(secretly I like being really short though..Parikhan actually offered to bend down some, but I declined! HA!...HEY, flaunt what ya got..not that shortness is all that sexy or anything..but it's what I've got damn it! LOL
And here is one of Vandilous and I...I didn't realize how swollen my jaws were until this morning...I was clenching them really hard in this picture! And this morning, when I looked in the mirror, I was like WTF!! It was kind of odd...actually, now that I'm looking at it..I almost look like some psychotic crazed lunatic in this picture...gee...
Okay, I am definitely sick with something. We went to the movies tonight to see Constantine and I got so ill while we were in there...running a high fever and everything...so apparently I did pick up a bug somewhere. And of course the place was packed, and we were in the middle of the isle, so I couldn't get out without climbing over 50 people, AND it was the longest fucking movie EVER! Okay..it was like 2 to 2.5 hours, but dear god! We went in there at 10:35pm...we just now got home..it is after 1am! I am going on like 4 hours of sleep..so I am now going to climb my sick ass into bed and hope I feel better in the morning....I am sooooooo ready for this sick/cold/flu season to be over with! It has really kicked my ass this year!....oh god..I am so tired Ijust re-read the last four sentences of this paragraph like 5 times now and still don't know what it says..yep..bed..

Anywho, I feel like hammered shit today...we were supposed to stick around NOLA today and walk around for a while..we didn't make it..we ended up driving back around 6am or so...I was so bummed too...I had really wanted to enjoy my day there with Vanny. Just walk around the streets, just the two of us. We never get to do that. Anyway, I got 4 hours of sleep people..I got up at 5am yesterday, and finally went to bed at 8:30am this morning..in the car, so kind of a bumpy nap anyway..and then a good three hours sleep at home..and here I am..totally awake..had I known all i needed was 4 hours we could have just taken a nap in the car! Oh well..there will be other times..hope all of you are having a fabulous weekend!

Hey, we actually managed to get three pics this time! The weekend we met Morningstar and MrsMisha we forgot the damn thing! Anywho, here's one of Parikhan and Pingz, and just for the record..she is even more beautiful in person! And she has a GREAT personality! I just wish I hadn't become such a party pooper damn it..anywho....

And here is one with Parikhan, Pingz and myself..okay and don't laugh..I look like a kid in this picture! But just for the record, Parikhan had on high heels..and I didn't...so seeeeeeeeee.....(secretly I like being really short though..Parikhan actually offered to bend down some, but I declined! HA!...HEY, flaunt what ya got..not that shortness is all that sexy or anything..but it's what I've got damn it! LOL

And here is one of Vandilous and I...I didn't realize how swollen my jaws were until this morning...I was clenching them really hard in this picture! And this morning, when I looked in the mirror, I was like WTF!! It was kind of odd...actually, now that I'm looking at it..I almost look like some psychotic crazed lunatic in this picture...gee...

Okay, I am definitely sick with something. We went to the movies tonight to see Constantine and I got so ill while we were in there...running a high fever and everything...so apparently I did pick up a bug somewhere. And of course the place was packed, and we were in the middle of the isle, so I couldn't get out without climbing over 50 people, AND it was the longest fucking movie EVER! Okay..it was like 2 to 2.5 hours, but dear god! We went in there at 10:35pm...we just now got home..it is after 1am! I am going on like 4 hours of sleep..so I am now going to climb my sick ass into bed and hope I feel better in the morning....I am sooooooo ready for this sick/cold/flu season to be over with! It has really kicked my ass this year!....oh god..I am so tired Ijust re-read the last four sentences of this paragraph like 5 times now and still don't know what it says..yep..bed..

im too modest for drugs... haha. you didnt miss anything. i havent been writing much. everyones being a pain in the ass. im not working much which is depressing. i keep telling them put out a flyer they do wonders everytime. they dont listen. i gotta do a bitch of a job tomorrow. im half way looking foreward to it for the hours. but i dont think we are tooled properly for it.we need goold old customers. so yeah you missed nothing.
We were so beat that night and were in such a rush the next morning that we didn't snap any photos of the room. It was pretty damn bad... i think the YMCA would have been a better stay.