Well, I am manic. I am so horribly manic right now I can't hardly stand it..I mean, I feel good..I feel REAL good..but it's almost like I'm on a drug and I can't control it. I have all this energy and no where to exert it really...so I organized the silver ware drawer today and I made a detailed schedule of when the kids would be here and when they would be at their moms so as to make it 50/50...for the next YEAR..and I printed it out on some lovely thick paper I hunted down..a copy for us and a copy for their mom..I hung our's on the fridge door..and then I needed to have a pen handy so I could cross off the days as they passed so I hot glued a piece of magnet to the back of a pen and stuck it up next to the calendar/schedule thingie...and I did all the laundry and I vaccumed the floor..and I cleaned the kitchen...and I made faces at myself in the bathroom mirror..odd, I know...I could not sleep for the life of me last night..I tossed and turned..and then I woke up at 6am and couldn't go back to sleep..oh the joys of mania..but hey..I get a lot accomplished in times like these!
yes..faces much like this people...much like this! lol
yes..faces much like this people...much like this! lol
The bartender isn't there any more and there's new owners. I don't think the old owners knew what we did in that place.(and we did a LOT!) If they did they probably wouldn't talk to any of us ever again.