I have no energy...and no caffiene...and I don't eat sugar...so I'm pretty much doomed to dragging around all day..but on a good note, the guy that came out to look at the RV really liked it and wants to come back to crank it up and see what it's got! YAY!! I soooooooo want to sell that damn thing! I can start getting my tats done once we do!!! I have like 3 drawn out now..they keep adding up! lol I've got them all in my purse, just incase I spontaneously decide to get them done one day...Wayull, off to do laundry..fun, fun! After a long weekend, filled with kids, I will have quite a bit to do! Hope you are all having a fabtabulous day!!

Great Picture! I do think its time to ink that ass though...

yeah ive been going out all weekend and fuck i am so beat...off to bed for a nap...