Wayull, I am getting ready for the New Year. I've just about got all the laundry done, the house is staying miraculously clean...it's not that hard with the kids being gone...I almost don't know how to react with that by the way...the kids have been gone since the 23rd of December! We officially were able to bring Trowser back into the house this week too. I can't believe..he's almost a year old now! Time REALLY flies by. Anyway, he's 10 months old and around 100 lbs...he's such a cutie! He's a purebread Airedale Terrier although we never registered him...and now I don't know what I did with his original papers..they got lost in the move from Hattiesburg to Jackson. Soooooooooooo, no breeding for him! I was actually thinking about getting a Kerry Blue Terrier in another year since we really can't breed him for money. I wonder what Airedale/Kerry Blue puppies would look like? LOL Anywho, I attempted to cut his hair last night...I have to go back tonight and do some more work on it...I was at it for TWO HOURS and he still looks pretty rough. I didn't even GET to his legs at all. Or really his face for that matter..I still have to shave the insides of his ears (THAT will be fun! lol) and his beard and eyebrows need to be shaped. I got to his privates with the scissors and when he seemed as though he was going to have a heartattack I decided to call it a night! LOL Poor thing...he thought I was going to cut em off I guess! LOL Anyway, here's some pics of my baby..isn't he a cutie pie?

thanks for the link
happy new year