Well...I think I'm depressed. I've been looking at myself lately...and even Vandilous pointed out some obvious symptoms today....I haven't been feeling well...I've been sleeping WAY too much....I have no energy to do anything...no motivation....I was looking at my life the other day and realized I'm not doing much with it. I have all this talent...all these dreams and aspirations and I'm not doing a damn thing about it...so I decided to go to a school for liberal arts...the only problem with that is the only liberal arts universities around here are Christian universities (and I don't know how well they would handle me) and the normal universities are more geared toward medical careers. I think I want to major in vocal performance, with a minor in visual arts and creative writing....the only university I can find in Jackson that has a large department for each of those is Belhaven College. Hmmmm....I think I'll go visit the campus and see what their reaction to me is! lol I've just got to get out of this rut. I'm 27 years old and I stay at home doing the same chores day in and day out, watching the kids and screaming the same things at them...don't hit your sister...don't tear that up...stop jumping on the couch...you're going to break that door if you don't stop beating on it like that...I'm about to go insane! I just need to feel like I'm accomplishing something. When I'm old and gray, I don't want to look back on my life and realize I had none....sigh
More Blogs
Wednesday May 02, 2007
Okay, so it's been months and months....lets see...life lately in a n… -
Friday Jan 12, 2007
Waaaaah!! The puppies are 6 weeks old today and have to go tomorrow.… -
Thursday Oct 26, 2006
Well, I'm on focalin now and it seems to be helping with my depressio… -
Wednesday Oct 18, 2006
Meh...my period of mania has officially ended and I am now desperatel… -
Thursday Oct 12, 2006
So after two weeks in the bed, with the flu, I am finally feeling mor… -
Tuesday Oct 03, 2006
Life in a nutshell....turns out I had the flu...so no pics...I was si… -
Thursday Sep 28, 2006
So I think I've found my nitch with Adderall...eat when it starts wea… -
Saturday Sep 09, 2006
SO...got the kids...and naturally there is a hurricane out in the Gul… -
Friday Sep 08, 2006
Okay so I'm tired of painting again...and this is the fun kind of pai… -
Friday Sep 08, 2006
So I'm listening to Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds...and I didnt' really…
Don't concern yourself with my rantings,
I'm really quite together and very happy. I sometimes just wear my heart on my sleeve.
Pity we're not neighbours. I work from home quite a bit and would have time to pop in and cheer you up. I also like kids. I'm sure we'd also find other things to do
Please don't get Prozac dependent! You should try my massage, it works twice as well as any drug.
we haven't been to NOLA yet..we decided to just go on a monday so we can hopefully avoid people...
I am also still trying to find my niche in life so i can feel i am accomplishing something.Good luck my dear