Well, it's been a pretty good week all in all. I got my tongue pierced on Tuesday, and will be attaching even more pics of that today. I had applied some different make-up on Thursday, and thought I looked damn georgeous in it, so I had to take some more self pics! lol
Today begins the painting episode of my life. My parents are coming to visit this weekend, and I HAVE to atleast have the house painted by then...even if it's not completely decorated! lol Hmmmm....maybe I can order some cool decos' off of ebay! lol I really wanted to go with more of a NOLA theme...you know...masks and such...I really like the art there. It's very bold and cultural.
EDIT **I KNOW!! I changed my profile pic again...but I liked this one better! lol...it's a bit grainy though...hmmm...I wonder if I can fix that...**
This weekend was pretty good. We were supposed to go to the 13th gate in Baton Rouge with some friends, but that fell through, so we ended up going to NOLA with some OTHER friends! lol OMG, and we went to the Durvish for the first time (We've probably walked past that thing fifty million thousand times on our way to rings of desire, but never stopped by....of course....I think it doesn't open until like midnight, so that might be why! lol) but that was the most awesome thing ever! I have always felt kind of like a sore thumb on bourbon, but I felt right at home in the Durvish. It was WONDERFUL!!!! I mean, as soon as you walk in the atmosphere just hits you, and it's incredible! I can't explain it...you just have to go and see for yourself! THEN, we decided to drive back home, swapping off halfway back to Baton Rouge, so we could take turns fucking in the back seat of the car. Fun was had people...such fun! Then we went to a lovely Bar-B-Que on Sunday with that couple and another swinging couple we know, but we couldn't play because all the kids were there, so I was a major horn toad by the time we were driving home....sooooooo, I actually strattled vanny while driving down the road! LOL It was crazy!! He actually finally had to pull off on some side street so we could finish, but it was fabulous!!! An EXCELLENT weekend all in all!
Today begins the painting episode of my life. My parents are coming to visit this weekend, and I HAVE to atleast have the house painted by then...even if it's not completely decorated! lol Hmmmm....maybe I can order some cool decos' off of ebay! lol I really wanted to go with more of a NOLA theme...you know...masks and such...I really like the art there. It's very bold and cultural.
EDIT **I KNOW!! I changed my profile pic again...but I liked this one better! lol...it's a bit grainy though...hmmm...I wonder if I can fix that...**
This weekend was pretty good. We were supposed to go to the 13th gate in Baton Rouge with some friends, but that fell through, so we ended up going to NOLA with some OTHER friends! lol OMG, and we went to the Durvish for the first time (We've probably walked past that thing fifty million thousand times on our way to rings of desire, but never stopped by....of course....I think it doesn't open until like midnight, so that might be why! lol) but that was the most awesome thing ever! I have always felt kind of like a sore thumb on bourbon, but I felt right at home in the Durvish. It was WONDERFUL!!!! I mean, as soon as you walk in the atmosphere just hits you, and it's incredible! I can't explain it...you just have to go and see for yourself! THEN, we decided to drive back home, swapping off halfway back to Baton Rouge, so we could take turns fucking in the back seat of the car. Fun was had people...such fun! Then we went to a lovely Bar-B-Que on Sunday with that couple and another swinging couple we know, but we couldn't play because all the kids were there, so I was a major horn toad by the time we were driving home....sooooooo, I actually strattled vanny while driving down the road! LOL It was crazy!! He actually finally had to pull off on some side street so we could finish, but it was fabulous!!! An EXCELLENT weekend all in all!
sorry it has been a few days
i am sick again and will not be on much until i get better. Yes i do make my own hairfalls and it is really easy. For the foam ones i buy craft foam and cut it into strips and attach it to lace for a base. then i put my hair in a bun or ponytail and tie it on. Voila cool hair!

hope you are well