Wayull, I totally had to vegg out yesterday. Vanny and I went to a Saliva concert Tuesday night and boy did I get wasted! But man it was fun!! WooHOO!! It's funny because I can't raise my arms above my head right now...too damn sore from being held over my head for numerous hours! lol You should have seen me trying to take my shirt off yesterday! Oh wait...no...they're better now! lol (yes, I just raised them...I'm retarded! lol) ANYWAY, I came home with a signed and USED Saliva drum stick (that I had to flash for, but hey..I'm used to it! lol) AND a sweaty towl...I know...but hey..I was drunk! lol I also very brazenly waltzed up to various band members and chatted with them like I was a part of the band! lol I have vowed never to drink again...until the next time! lol Okay, seriously though...there was this cute bi-sexual girl standing in the swaying crowd next to me. She had just discovered she was bi, and had never been with a girl...and we ended up kissing in the mahem! WooHOO! I'm telling you people...it's the hair! It's gotta be the hair! I just cut it shorter last week, and vanny thinks it looks dikish, but I've gotten two hot chicks since, IN LESS THAN A WEEK...I mean, come on now! It's the hair people! It's the hair! lol (for those of you who are curious...it's a really short pixie cut...yay! lol)
Okay, I just discovered that my porn name is Sammy Karen. This would indicate that I should not attempt to become a porn star! Damn it! lol (uhum....I mean...Sammie) LOL
On a more important note, I was chatting with one of my friends and we got on the subject of peanut butter sandwhiches. What's your favorite peanut butter combination sandwhich? (i.e. peanut butter and jelly...peanut butter and bananas...etc.) Mine is peanut butter and bananas although I've found it a lot easier to make a peanut butter and honey sandwhich..you don't have to cut anything up! LOL
Okay, I just discovered that my porn name is Sammy Karen. This would indicate that I should not attempt to become a porn star! Damn it! lol (uhum....I mean...Sammie) LOL
On a more important note, I was chatting with one of my friends and we got on the subject of peanut butter sandwhiches. What's your favorite peanut butter combination sandwhich? (i.e. peanut butter and jelly...peanut butter and bananas...etc.) Mine is peanut butter and bananas although I've found it a lot easier to make a peanut butter and honey sandwhich..you don't have to cut anything up! LOL
You elevate the standards of indecency to new levels. You are beautiful chaos and a hell of a gal. Thanks for checking on me.
the rebel thing and i like pb&j strawberry jelly... also just pb and sugar is good too.