period of mania has officially ended and I am now desperately fighting a period of depression...I hate being depressed! And the bad part about it is, none of the medications I take seem to do me any good! They all make me more depressed which is not good! Depression is bad Mmmmkay? I was hoping this adderall would nip it in the bud because supposedly depression is a common side effect of ADD...but it doesnt' seem to be working....and I am now remembering that when I took adderall before, while depressed, it didn't seem to do anything for me at all...I might as well have been drinking water or really aggrivating part is I'm USUALLY manic during the holidays! My cycles got all out of whack when I was on that Wellbutren causing me to have a three month depression during my usual mania cycle and then a mania cylce when I supposed to be depressed....I don't know though...maybe I'll just have a short depression this time around...I'm usually depressed up until the last week of October or the first week of November so we shall see....I just hate that I actually have these distinct cycles and can't seem to do anything about them. Nothing seems to work...and it's hard for me to keep friendships, keep jobs, stay in school...because when I get depressed I turn into a hermit and never leave the house! I've left the house once in two weeks people! True...I was sick...but I get sick a lot when I'm depressed and it's annoying! I just want to be normal for once you know? Anyway....
stop being depressed! maybe its a trick your body is playing with your mind?
You got one week them i'm commin' ta town!