So after two weeks in the bed, with the flu, I am finally feeling more like myself again...I'm still a little congested, but I'm able to do my normal daily activities without feeling like I'm going to die at the end of the day! lol I don't think it would have lasted as long as it did, however, had it not been for our two kittens and black lab lying in the bed with me...all of whom I am allergic yeah...Zada is temporarily in the backyard until my sinuses clear up completely and the kittens are being confined to the play room....I miss my babies though...but alas, I must completely get over this crap you know? I mean two weeks is WAY more than enough!!
So a friend of ours is coming through town and staying with us tomorrow night....and you know we are temporarily in this duplex...we have one bed, which is a queen, and that's it...and she has an infant so I just could NOT put them on the we decided to look into getting a futon...we wanted one anyway, but we really needed one like now right? Well, the cheapest we could find was about all we had in the bank (thanks to that person that took all our money out of my man's wallet last week) so we didn't know what to today my next door neighbor called and asked if I could give him a ride to work because his car was in the as I was driving him I looked over and there was this futon just sitting on the side of the road...I stared at it for a moment and then asked him "is that a futon?"....anyway, to make a long story short, the futon was too big to fit IN the truck, so he helped me heave it up on top of the truck (something I could not have done by myself or had I been driving his wife to work instead of him....and had I waited until my man got home from work I guarantee you the futon would not have still been there! Things walk away fast in this neighborhood! lol) and then he helped me get it in the house, which was a pain in the ass I would like to add....I scrubbed the hell out of that thing for a good 3 hours and walah!! Free futon! It's wood, in good just needed to be tightened up a bit...the mattress will have to be replaced when we have the money, but we managed to find a $7.00 futon cover at Target....and just for the record..the cheapest futon cover we could find was $20.00 at Big Lots and it was leopard print...which would have looked retarded in our living room...the nice ones were about $50.00, but we really didnt' want to spend that much on a cover considering we're just going to buy a new matress and cover later on anyway....but we were looking for a black futon cover right?....the covers at Target were $ we walked over to the clearance isle and there was this one black futon cover priced at $7.00!!! There is absolutely nothing wrong with it! We have no idea why on earth it was on clearance other than this green stain on the case the cover was in...but the green didn't get onto the futon cover at all! SO....YAY!! I was telling my man, I don't know if it was our good karma or our friend's good karma or a combination of the two, but how crazy is that? I mean, what are the odds?
So a friend of ours is coming through town and staying with us tomorrow night....and you know we are temporarily in this duplex...we have one bed, which is a queen, and that's it...and she has an infant so I just could NOT put them on the we decided to look into getting a futon...we wanted one anyway, but we really needed one like now right? Well, the cheapest we could find was about all we had in the bank (thanks to that person that took all our money out of my man's wallet last week) so we didn't know what to today my next door neighbor called and asked if I could give him a ride to work because his car was in the as I was driving him I looked over and there was this futon just sitting on the side of the road...I stared at it for a moment and then asked him "is that a futon?"....anyway, to make a long story short, the futon was too big to fit IN the truck, so he helped me heave it up on top of the truck (something I could not have done by myself or had I been driving his wife to work instead of him....and had I waited until my man got home from work I guarantee you the futon would not have still been there! Things walk away fast in this neighborhood! lol) and then he helped me get it in the house, which was a pain in the ass I would like to add....I scrubbed the hell out of that thing for a good 3 hours and walah!! Free futon! It's wood, in good just needed to be tightened up a bit...the mattress will have to be replaced when we have the money, but we managed to find a $7.00 futon cover at Target....and just for the record..the cheapest futon cover we could find was $20.00 at Big Lots and it was leopard print...which would have looked retarded in our living room...the nice ones were about $50.00, but we really didnt' want to spend that much on a cover considering we're just going to buy a new matress and cover later on anyway....but we were looking for a black futon cover right?....the covers at Target were $ we walked over to the clearance isle and there was this one black futon cover priced at $7.00!!! There is absolutely nothing wrong with it! We have no idea why on earth it was on clearance other than this green stain on the case the cover was in...but the green didn't get onto the futon cover at all! SO....YAY!! I was telling my man, I don't know if it was our good karma or our friend's good karma or a combination of the two, but how crazy is that? I mean, what are the odds?
Sick for two weeks! that sux, i was sick for like one week and wanted to die. That was great luck with the futon, it's funny how things like that happen.

Don't you just love a great deal