Okay so I'm tired of painting again...and this is the fun kind of painting...but I'm ready to be rolling the walls out now and instead I'm still painting around the trim and corners of the room....stupid me...and I knew I should have done this...and I thought I NEED to paint on both colors at the same time so I can blend them...but I thought, nah...it'll be okay...and I've done this twice now...I KNOW both colors have to be wet in order to blend them..and yet it's like I enjoy torturing myself...and SO...it took me who knows how many hours to go around the room with this little spongey thing with one color...and now I'm going around the room again with the spongey thing and a brush...I could just kick myself! And I have a serious Diet Coke addiction! I have gone through 20 diet cokes in two days! BAD! Bad, bad, BAD!!! and I'm still dragging...that's the sad part...you should see me without the caffeine...I'm like a slug...it's horrible! LOL And I just ate a whole can of black beans by myself...SO...once again...torturing myself...as well as everyone else in the family...and so...there ya have it...
geez...20 diet cokes in 2 days? at least its diet i guess! stop working so much & relax some!
Goddamn I love reading your posts!! So raw and honest
You should be proud of me for the coming divorce.I finally did what "I" wanted to do,and what"I" should have done a long time ago.Sorry if I'm being kinda mushy right now but I'm really drunk.You're the fuckin' coolest