OH MY HOLY HELL HEAD!!! We have got to be the most blessed people on the face of the EARTH! Okay, so this the month of poverty for most right? We just spent money we didn't have on Christmas and partying on New Year's Eve. So we're scrimping here folks..and lo and behold we get a court summons yesterday for the custody of the children. Vanny's ex wants full physical and legal custody of all three kids, even though the oldest lives with us! SO, we were like Oh shit! The court date is at the end of this month and we have zero money! I'm telling you people..Everyone always says kharma's a bitch BUT if you are good to kharma she will be good to you! We just got an unexpected $300 in the mail TODAY from various rebates we had sent in last year AND we never got our state tax returns for last year so Vanny just called and asked about that and they said they never got his w-2's...which is bull shit, but the point is, they said it would only take a week or two to process and THAT'S another $300....all we needed was $300 to $500 to secure a lawyer and get started so OMG! Are we blessed or what?!?! It's funny because things have always worked out this way for me...and Vanny says he's the same way...but I never cease to be amazed when something like this happens..it just always seems too good to be true ya know? So YAY! Things are looking awsome! And all we want is joint custody and custodial rights to the child that lives with us which I think is totally reasonable. Not to mention I've been keeping records of everything for the past year and already have all that put together and in an envelope ready to go to the lawyer. I was hoping it wouldn't come to dragging out the dirt, but she's trying to make Vanny out to look like a cruel and inhuman person..that is her plea anyway and I have no idea where on earth she is getting that from....But anywho....Just as long as we get a fair ruling I'll be happy!
Okay, I am a member of swinglifestyle which is a swingers site where you can meet other swingers in your area. I think it's okay to advertise it here...if not let me know! EEK! But it's not a competeing site or anything. Anyway, if you're interested feel free to check it out and if you decide to join up be sure to do it through this link so that I can earn $5! LOL

Okay, I am a member of swinglifestyle which is a swingers site where you can meet other swingers in your area. I think it's okay to advertise it here...if not let me know! EEK! But it's not a competeing site or anything. Anyway, if you're interested feel free to check it out and if you decide to join up be sure to do it through this link so that I can earn $5! LOL
hey sweetie - just a word of warning - another friend of mine was on here and it was used against him in family court. i don't know if you make all your entries private but you might want to do ultra deep under cover and used nicknames for everyone and places for awhile so you both don't show up on google search...also be very careful about your lifestyle leading up to the court appearance as they can use anything and everything against you. sorry if i'm stating the obvious i just want to help - good luck!
That is wonderful about the way things worked out for you, I truly hope all works out for the highest good of you and your children.