Well, today went relatively smoothly, minus the fact that the kids mom called at 10:30 this morning to say she had gotten a turkey and wanted us to bring the kids over for Thanksgiving....we already had all the food prepared at that pont, so we told her she would just have to wait her turn...since it was she who caused us to have to have a last minute Thanksgiving meal with the kids in the first place...maybe if she would make up her freakin mind for once! Anyway, so she has the kids now...a kid free weekend! WooHOO! I almost don't know how to respond! Anyway, here are some pics of the kids today...it's not very festive...I ended up taking mostly video so...not too many good photos..I'm a lilttle bummed about that, but at the same time my camera requres a LOT of lighting to take really good pics...and seeing as we were inside and not hooking up lights everywhere...we just went with video..but here are a few...note I put my youngest in those pants I crochetted for her! They turned out so cute! YAY I'm feeling all crafty and domestic of late..hehehe
notice how the adolescent is at the computer and not at the table...the toot! And here is a pic of my youngest with Buddy. He is such a sweetie pie! I admit, I am falling in love with that puppy! lol
Not too much else going on other than that..I think Vanny and I are going to sit down, have a few drinks, watch a movie, and then get naked and run around the house like a bunch of hoolagans...seeing as we've had kids for the past week...it's so quiet out there..it's weird...
Okay, so I realized I have been tagged like three times but didn't know what that meant...so NOW I know...20 random facts...so here goes....
1. I was only 5 days old on my first Christmas so my mom dressed me in red and put me under the tree..I have pics somewhere...
2. I am an only child.
3. When I was in 5th grade, my friends and I heard some puppies crying down in a storm drain, so we spent a good half an hour getting them out....we managed to distrtibute them to families along the street and the last one ended up at my house. That was my very first dog.
4. We felt that dog, named Cookie, needed some company so I enticed my mom into buying me a yellow lab, golden retriver mix which we named Taffy....beautiful dog I would like to add...really light blonde with black button eyes...
5. One day, while in 5th grade, I came home to find that my mom had taken both my dogs to the pound because they were digging up her flower beds in the backyard....the last dogs I ever had while living at home with my parents...
6. I had a siamese named Muffin, while growing up, who had a cow lick on top of her head that made her look like Alfalfa off the Little Rascals! lol She was a character.
7. I played fast pitch softball from the time I was in 3rd grade up until I was a sophomore in high school.
8. I was a pitcher, and by the time I was 12 I was considered one of the best top ten pitchers in all of Houston...from the ages of 16 and down...not too bad for a 12 yr old.
9. I played softball, all 8 years I played, against Christa Williams, who pitched for the USA team in the Olypics in 1996, which was the first year that women's fastpitch was recognized as an Olympic sport.
10. When I was in 8th grade I made first chair all city with my flute. (Houston, TX)
11. When I got into high school I quit band and switched to choir because the band director was an asswipe and I did NOT like him.
12. At the end of my freshmen year I sang in a school talent show. At the end of the show I was given a card from a production company.....my mom said I was too young to persue a career in music so nothing ever became of it...
13. My senior year, while performing the lead role in yet another musical talent show, I was given the opportunity to perform on tv...I turned it down that time because I had it stuck in my head that wasn't what I was supposed to be doing with my life...stupid, stupid, STUPID!!!
14. After graduating I attended Southwestern Assemblies of God University...a very strict Christian University where you HAVE to attend chapel EVERY FREAKIN DAY....(could you imagine going to 8 church services a week? Well, that is what I did for two long years...sigh...)
15. While in college I recorded background vocals to a praise and worship cd put out by the Assemblies of God....I never recieved my damn copy either!
16. At the tender age of 20 I got married to an asshole from HELL!
17. That asshole was a youth pastor who also happened to be a pediphile...kinda makes you wonder whose teaching you kids in church eh?
18. We formed a Christian band called Flannel, and were offered a recording contract in 1999....the only stipulation...I sing all the lead vocals....my HUSBAND kicked me out of the band and threw out the contract...
19. I developed a severe stage fright after that and have only sang a grand total of probably 10 times since the year 2000...in public...
20. I have never succeeded at anything damn it and it's frustrating as HELL! I have and have had all these opportunities and they just *POOF* vanish right before my very eyes....and now that I'm pushing 30 I really just feel like shit....
And there ya have it folks...20 random facts about me...sigh...

notice how the adolescent is at the computer and not at the table...the toot! And here is a pic of my youngest with Buddy. He is such a sweetie pie! I admit, I am falling in love with that puppy! lol

Not too much else going on other than that..I think Vanny and I are going to sit down, have a few drinks, watch a movie, and then get naked and run around the house like a bunch of hoolagans...seeing as we've had kids for the past week...it's so quiet out there..it's weird...

Okay, so I realized I have been tagged like three times but didn't know what that meant...so NOW I know...20 random facts...so here goes....
1. I was only 5 days old on my first Christmas so my mom dressed me in red and put me under the tree..I have pics somewhere...
2. I am an only child.
3. When I was in 5th grade, my friends and I heard some puppies crying down in a storm drain, so we spent a good half an hour getting them out....we managed to distrtibute them to families along the street and the last one ended up at my house. That was my very first dog.
4. We felt that dog, named Cookie, needed some company so I enticed my mom into buying me a yellow lab, golden retriver mix which we named Taffy....beautiful dog I would like to add...really light blonde with black button eyes...
5. One day, while in 5th grade, I came home to find that my mom had taken both my dogs to the pound because they were digging up her flower beds in the backyard....the last dogs I ever had while living at home with my parents...
6. I had a siamese named Muffin, while growing up, who had a cow lick on top of her head that made her look like Alfalfa off the Little Rascals! lol She was a character.
7. I played fast pitch softball from the time I was in 3rd grade up until I was a sophomore in high school.
8. I was a pitcher, and by the time I was 12 I was considered one of the best top ten pitchers in all of Houston...from the ages of 16 and down...not too bad for a 12 yr old.
9. I played softball, all 8 years I played, against Christa Williams, who pitched for the USA team in the Olypics in 1996, which was the first year that women's fastpitch was recognized as an Olympic sport.
10. When I was in 8th grade I made first chair all city with my flute. (Houston, TX)
11. When I got into high school I quit band and switched to choir because the band director was an asswipe and I did NOT like him.
12. At the end of my freshmen year I sang in a school talent show. At the end of the show I was given a card from a production company.....my mom said I was too young to persue a career in music so nothing ever became of it...
13. My senior year, while performing the lead role in yet another musical talent show, I was given the opportunity to perform on tv...I turned it down that time because I had it stuck in my head that wasn't what I was supposed to be doing with my life...stupid, stupid, STUPID!!!
14. After graduating I attended Southwestern Assemblies of God University...a very strict Christian University where you HAVE to attend chapel EVERY FREAKIN DAY....(could you imagine going to 8 church services a week? Well, that is what I did for two long years...sigh...)
15. While in college I recorded background vocals to a praise and worship cd put out by the Assemblies of God....I never recieved my damn copy either!
16. At the tender age of 20 I got married to an asshole from HELL!
17. That asshole was a youth pastor who also happened to be a pediphile...kinda makes you wonder whose teaching you kids in church eh?
18. We formed a Christian band called Flannel, and were offered a recording contract in 1999....the only stipulation...I sing all the lead vocals....my HUSBAND kicked me out of the band and threw out the contract...
19. I developed a severe stage fright after that and have only sang a grand total of probably 10 times since the year 2000...in public...
20. I have never succeeded at anything damn it and it's frustrating as HELL! I have and have had all these opportunities and they just *POOF* vanish right before my very eyes....and now that I'm pushing 30 I really just feel like shit....
And there ya have it folks...20 random facts about me...sigh...
Kid Free weekends seem wonderful. . but i'm biased. not really a kid person.
You plan on ever fighting that stage fright and getting back into singing? It's never too late. Even if you're not going to be the next american idol (and i'd hope you wouldnt be