Well, we just got back from visiting some of Vanny's family. This was our weekend to have the kids so naturally their mother dropped them off with us on Thursday night and just this morning decided she was going to go to her best friend's house for Thanksgiving...and didn't want to impose by bringing the kids....so now we have to whip Thanksgiving out of our asses so the kids won't miss out on having one this year...that woman is the most selfish bitch I have ever met..can you imagine someone giving birth to four children..oh she just HAD to have FOUR CHILDREN but when it comes to taking care of them, the responsibility always falls on us....I mean, what kind of mother dumps her kids off with someone, KNOWING that they have no plans for Thanksgiving that year, just so SHE can have a nice Thanksgiving herself? I ask you! And this is not the first time she's done shit like this...she does it all the damn time and it's aggrivating. And she won't be back to get the kids next weekend either...which is her weekend to have them..oh no...she'll stay up there with her best friend and her family all week long and might...MIGHT...come back on Monday....but I'm not holding my breath on that one...sigh...
Okay, so my youngest is at that stage where her pants fit her around the waist, but are too short. I had just been putting her in leg warmers..but I can't send the leg warmers over to her mom's house because her mom can't keep up with shit. So I had managed to keep up with these leg warmers for the past year right? Well, this past Friday I put them on her knowing she was riding the bus to her mom's but also knowing that we would be picking her up within a few hours...three hours people...THREE HOURS...she was there three hours and lo and behold...one of the leg warmers had just disappeared off the face of the earth...they searched high and low but could not find the damn thing...SO...since I can't send her over there in something as complicated as leg warmers I decided to attempt lengthening the pants. I had thought about sewing material on them, but decided to crochette the ends instead. OMG they turned out soooooo cute! The only problem is, they will have to be washed on hand wash cycle and air dried...which means they will have the stay here...so not neccessarily problem solved, but I tried damn it! lol

These light pink ones are my favorites...they were my second attempt, so I had a little more of an idea of what I was doing. I just thought the flare turned out a lot better on them.

I stole these from Punknitemike
1) What stickers do you have on your car, if any? none
2) What posters do you have in your room? none
3) What do you hear right now? three children killing each other
4) If you could drink anything right this second, what would it be? a nice stiff drink
5) Does anything hurt on your body right now? my throat
6) Ever take candy from someone? probably
7) Whats your job position called? maid? Hell, I don't know...I clean houses for a living...
8) What size ring do you wear? 6
9) Do you own a camera phone? Vanny does..so technically, by default, that means yes..haHA!
10) Whats your birthday? December 20
11) What was your elementary schools mascot? Mustang
12) Whats your favorite bottled water? Propel...I used to have another one, but I can't remember what it was...
13) What's the next concert/show you're going to and when? The real question is, when's the next time I'll get to do ANYTHING fun and adult...and the answer...who knows!
14) What were you doing at 9 pm last night? drinking rum and diet coke, crocheting, and watching various episodes of South Park...all at the same time...
15) Whats your favorite Starbucks drink? whatever tastes good! lol
16) Describe your sex life? oh god...usually it's vibrant and exciting...filled with lots of swinging and BDSM...but of late we've been impoverished and heavy laden with children....so it's not all that thrilling at the moment...for us anyway...
17) Did you attend your High School prom? Yes...with my high school sweetheart! lol
18) Did you go to someone elses prom? Yes, my high school sweetheart graduated the year before me so I got to go my junior and senior year
19) Would you give your bf/gf a second chance if they cheated on you? yes...but not a third...
20) Something red within 5 feet of you: avon cherry lipgloss
21) Your last bag of chips? cool ranch doritos three weeks ago to the day...hell, almost to the hour! lol/B]
22) The weirdest thing you've seen this week? I have three kids...I can't keep up with all the weird things I see them do! lol
23) Ever done the Electric Slide? nope
24) How much French do you know? none
25) Sparkly things? I'm a simple kinda gal...not real big into sparklies
26) Ever crash a car, been in accidents? too many times
27) Do you look good in yellow? never really thought about it...probably not though
28) Do you sing? Oh I LOVE to sing!
29) Ever sang in front of a crowd? Many, many times
30) Do you dance? depends on what you mean by "dancing" lol
31) Is your hair its natural color? it's pretty close right now actually...but probably still a little darker than normal
32) Do you exercise as much as you should? no
33) Favorite kind of pizza? deep dish hamburger with extra cheese! Mmmmmmmm!!!
34) Ever had Dippin Dots? YES! Mmmmmm!!!
35) Ever make fun of a homeless person? Yes, but there's really no guarantee he was actually homeless...he was always at the same corner in his wheel chair...but sometimes his wheelchair would be there and he would have walked across the street to get a bite to eat..so you know...and how can you not make fun of a supposedly homeless panhandler who leaves his wheelchari behind to cross a busy feeder street in Houston, TX?
36) How old were you when you got a cell phone? 24
37) How old were you when you got your first car? 17
38) How many tickets do u have? none right now, but I've had a few...probably two or three I would imagine
39) How long have you been driving? almost 13 years...man...
40) How many parking tickets? um....none?
41) Do you own your own car? Yes, two actually...an SUV and a caddy outright...jealous? LOL
42) Do you want to get married? oh GOD it would make things SO much easier
43) At what age do you want to get married? asap?
44) Have you ever been married? yes
45) Have you ever received a restraining order? no
46) At what age do you want to have kids? I originally thought I would be having kids right around now...two kids, right before I turned 30...so I guess at 28 and 29...BUT...Vanny has three kids and they have me on the edge of insanity as it is, so no kids for me...no, no, no!
47) How many kids? see above
48) Ketchup or Mustard? mustard
49) When is the last time someone deleted you from their SG friends list? I don't know...you can actually keep up with that shit?
50) How many times a week are you on SG? usually atleast once a day, but sometimes I only make it 3 or 4 times a week
If quote is true there`s an x:
( ) I've Never Been Drunk
( ) I've Never Smoked Pot
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(x) I've Never Crashed A Friend's Car
(x) I've Never Been To Japan
( ) I've Never Been In A Taxi
( ) I've Never Been In Love
( ) I've Never Had Sex In Public
( ) I've Never Been Dumped
( ) I've Never Done Cocaine
( ) I've Never Shoplifted
( ) I've Never Been Fired
( ) I've Never Been In A Fist Fight
( ) I've Never Had Group Intercourse (threesome)
( ) I've Never Snuck Out Of My Parent's House
( ) I've Never Been Tied Up
( ) I've Never Regretted Having Sex With Someone
( ) I've Never Been Arrested
( ) I've Never Made Out With A Stranger
(x) I've Never Stolen Something From My Job
(x) I've Never Celebrated New Years In Time Square
(x) I've Never Gone On A Blind Date
( ) I've Never Lied To A Friend
( ) I've Never Had A Crush On A Teacher
( ) I've Never Celebrated Mardi-Gras In New Orleans
(x) I've Never Been To Europe
( ) I've Never Skipped School
( ) I've Never Slept With A Co-Worker
( ) I've Never Cut Myself On Purpose
( ) I've Never Had Sex At The Office
( ) I've Never Been Married
( ) I've Never Been Divorced
( ) I've Never Had Sex With More Than One Person Within The Same Week
( ) I've Never Posed Nude
( ) I've Never Gotten Someone Drunk Just To Have Sex With Them (hehehe)
(x) I've Never Killed Anyone
( ) I've Never Received a hickey From My Sex Partner
( ) I've Never Thrown Up In A Bar
(x)I've Never Purposely Set A Part Of Myself On Fire
( ) I've Never Eaten Sushi
(x) I've Never Been Snowboarding
( ) I've Never Had Sex At A Friend's House
(x) I've Never Had Sex In A Dressing Room
( ) I've Never Flashed Anyone
Sorry guys...really this is just an attempt to keep myself busy back here in the solitude of my cloffice because the kids are unusually bad today...I don't know what their deal is, but DEAR GOD they are driving me INSANE today! So...I am kind of in hiding and the longer I can fuck around the better...atleast until they start going to bed...one by one..lol...and tomorrow...we plan for the Thanksgiving we weren't going to have!
Hope everyone else has a fabtabulous Thanksgiving as well!
Okay, this lovely lady makes me want to go drag out the weight equipment right this very moment!
Brighton: Sinew
I used to do weight training like...two YEARS ago...I really enjoyed it actually...but I got away from it shortly before we moved here. I don't think I was quite as disciplined as Brighton though...but I do have to say I'm inspired now! Very, VERY inspired! I've been dieting the past few weeks..trying to get a few lbs off BEFORE the holidays...I've managed to drop 8 lbs thus far, which I figure is good enough for Thanksgiving tomorrow...but I have decided to hit the weights after that...I miss it and it's ridiculous to have the equip just sitting out there in the garage collecting dust ya know?
Okay, so my youngest is at that stage where her pants fit her around the waist, but are too short. I had just been putting her in leg warmers..but I can't send the leg warmers over to her mom's house because her mom can't keep up with shit. So I had managed to keep up with these leg warmers for the past year right? Well, this past Friday I put them on her knowing she was riding the bus to her mom's but also knowing that we would be picking her up within a few hours...three hours people...THREE HOURS...she was there three hours and lo and behold...one of the leg warmers had just disappeared off the face of the earth...they searched high and low but could not find the damn thing...SO...since I can't send her over there in something as complicated as leg warmers I decided to attempt lengthening the pants. I had thought about sewing material on them, but decided to crochette the ends instead. OMG they turned out soooooo cute! The only problem is, they will have to be washed on hand wash cycle and air dried...which means they will have the stay here...so not neccessarily problem solved, but I tried damn it! lol

These light pink ones are my favorites...they were my second attempt, so I had a little more of an idea of what I was doing. I just thought the flare turned out a lot better on them.

I stole these from Punknitemike
1) What stickers do you have on your car, if any? none
2) What posters do you have in your room? none
3) What do you hear right now? three children killing each other
4) If you could drink anything right this second, what would it be? a nice stiff drink
5) Does anything hurt on your body right now? my throat
6) Ever take candy from someone? probably
7) Whats your job position called? maid? Hell, I don't know...I clean houses for a living...
8) What size ring do you wear? 6
9) Do you own a camera phone? Vanny does..so technically, by default, that means yes..haHA!
10) Whats your birthday? December 20
11) What was your elementary schools mascot? Mustang
12) Whats your favorite bottled water? Propel...I used to have another one, but I can't remember what it was...
13) What's the next concert/show you're going to and when? The real question is, when's the next time I'll get to do ANYTHING fun and adult...and the answer...who knows!
14) What were you doing at 9 pm last night? drinking rum and diet coke, crocheting, and watching various episodes of South Park...all at the same time...
15) Whats your favorite Starbucks drink? whatever tastes good! lol
16) Describe your sex life? oh god...usually it's vibrant and exciting...filled with lots of swinging and BDSM...but of late we've been impoverished and heavy laden with children....so it's not all that thrilling at the moment...for us anyway...
17) Did you attend your High School prom? Yes...with my high school sweetheart! lol
18) Did you go to someone elses prom? Yes, my high school sweetheart graduated the year before me so I got to go my junior and senior year
19) Would you give your bf/gf a second chance if they cheated on you? yes...but not a third...
20) Something red within 5 feet of you: avon cherry lipgloss
21) Your last bag of chips? cool ranch doritos three weeks ago to the day...hell, almost to the hour! lol/B]
22) The weirdest thing you've seen this week? I have three kids...I can't keep up with all the weird things I see them do! lol
23) Ever done the Electric Slide? nope
24) How much French do you know? none
25) Sparkly things? I'm a simple kinda gal...not real big into sparklies
26) Ever crash a car, been in accidents? too many times
27) Do you look good in yellow? never really thought about it...probably not though
28) Do you sing? Oh I LOVE to sing!
29) Ever sang in front of a crowd? Many, many times
30) Do you dance? depends on what you mean by "dancing" lol
31) Is your hair its natural color? it's pretty close right now actually...but probably still a little darker than normal
32) Do you exercise as much as you should? no
33) Favorite kind of pizza? deep dish hamburger with extra cheese! Mmmmmmmm!!!
34) Ever had Dippin Dots? YES! Mmmmmm!!!
35) Ever make fun of a homeless person? Yes, but there's really no guarantee he was actually homeless...he was always at the same corner in his wheel chair...but sometimes his wheelchair would be there and he would have walked across the street to get a bite to eat..so you know...and how can you not make fun of a supposedly homeless panhandler who leaves his wheelchari behind to cross a busy feeder street in Houston, TX?
36) How old were you when you got a cell phone? 24
37) How old were you when you got your first car? 17
38) How many tickets do u have? none right now, but I've had a few...probably two or three I would imagine
39) How long have you been driving? almost 13 years...man...
40) How many parking tickets? um....none?
41) Do you own your own car? Yes, two actually...an SUV and a caddy outright...jealous? LOL
42) Do you want to get married? oh GOD it would make things SO much easier
43) At what age do you want to get married? asap?
44) Have you ever been married? yes
45) Have you ever received a restraining order? no
46) At what age do you want to have kids? I originally thought I would be having kids right around now...two kids, right before I turned 30...so I guess at 28 and 29...BUT...Vanny has three kids and they have me on the edge of insanity as it is, so no kids for me...no, no, no!
47) How many kids? see above
48) Ketchup or Mustard? mustard
49) When is the last time someone deleted you from their SG friends list? I don't know...you can actually keep up with that shit?
50) How many times a week are you on SG? usually atleast once a day, but sometimes I only make it 3 or 4 times a week
If quote is true there`s an x:
( ) I've Never Been Drunk
( ) I've Never Smoked Pot
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Opposite Sex
( ) I've Never Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex
(x) I've Never Crashed A Friend's Car
(x) I've Never Been To Japan
( ) I've Never Been In A Taxi
( ) I've Never Been In Love
( ) I've Never Had Sex In Public
( ) I've Never Been Dumped
( ) I've Never Done Cocaine
( ) I've Never Shoplifted
( ) I've Never Been Fired
( ) I've Never Been In A Fist Fight
( ) I've Never Had Group Intercourse (threesome)
( ) I've Never Snuck Out Of My Parent's House
( ) I've Never Been Tied Up
( ) I've Never Regretted Having Sex With Someone
( ) I've Never Been Arrested
( ) I've Never Made Out With A Stranger
(x) I've Never Stolen Something From My Job
(x) I've Never Celebrated New Years In Time Square
(x) I've Never Gone On A Blind Date
( ) I've Never Lied To A Friend
( ) I've Never Had A Crush On A Teacher
( ) I've Never Celebrated Mardi-Gras In New Orleans
(x) I've Never Been To Europe
( ) I've Never Skipped School
( ) I've Never Slept With A Co-Worker
( ) I've Never Cut Myself On Purpose
( ) I've Never Had Sex At The Office
( ) I've Never Been Married
( ) I've Never Been Divorced
( ) I've Never Had Sex With More Than One Person Within The Same Week
( ) I've Never Posed Nude
( ) I've Never Gotten Someone Drunk Just To Have Sex With Them (hehehe)
(x) I've Never Killed Anyone
( ) I've Never Received a hickey From My Sex Partner
( ) I've Never Thrown Up In A Bar
(x)I've Never Purposely Set A Part Of Myself On Fire
( ) I've Never Eaten Sushi
(x) I've Never Been Snowboarding
( ) I've Never Had Sex At A Friend's House
(x) I've Never Had Sex In A Dressing Room
( ) I've Never Flashed Anyone
Sorry guys...really this is just an attempt to keep myself busy back here in the solitude of my cloffice because the kids are unusually bad today...I don't know what their deal is, but DEAR GOD they are driving me INSANE today! So...I am kind of in hiding and the longer I can fuck around the better...atleast until they start going to bed...one by one..lol...and tomorrow...we plan for the Thanksgiving we weren't going to have!

Okay, this lovely lady makes me want to go drag out the weight equipment right this very moment!
Brighton: Sinew
I used to do weight training like...two YEARS ago...I really enjoyed it actually...but I got away from it shortly before we moved here. I don't think I was quite as disciplined as Brighton though...but I do have to say I'm inspired now! Very, VERY inspired! I've been dieting the past few weeks..trying to get a few lbs off BEFORE the holidays...I've managed to drop 8 lbs thus far, which I figure is good enough for Thanksgiving tomorrow...but I have decided to hit the weights after that...I miss it and it's ridiculous to have the equip just sitting out there in the garage collecting dust ya know?
i cant wait til my daughter's bf is gone for xmas to his parents' so i can at least walk naked in my own house - they complain when i wear a g string!