So i don't guess I ever showed ya'll the pics of Vandilous and I from Halloween huh? We took these in our oldest's bedroom...thought it had more of a Halloween appeal than our own, we just needed a change of scenery...I mean, how many of my pics were taken in our bedroom for crying out loud?!?! LOL BUT they be and shit..
And here are some pics of my puppy heads! I know..I know...a lot of pics and shit, but I've been away for like weeks it seems and lots of pics have been taken since then damn it...
Here is is almost impossible to get a pic of him sitting still! lol He is such a little wiggle worm!
And here is Zada...with her yellow
And one of her looking at Buddy and probably thinking "what the hell are you doing?" lol
And here's two pics of my big teddy bear, Trowser, in action...I can't wait until we can bring him back in the house...he's such a sweetie pie...'s like "hi momma!"...I know..I'm a dork...
A few weeks ago...god, has it been a month now? Damn...but anyway, we did our ritual pumpkin carving with the kidos...well, the two younger ones anyway...the oldest was in the know how that goes...but here are a few of the shots I took...I was trying my hand at being artsy fartsy! lol
I love taking candid shots of the kids...they do the funniest things! I've also come to the conclusion that I love taking pics of hands...hands at work I guess I should say..I realize this is not a foreign concept, but I can't help but wonder why...hmmmmm....anyway, I have been thinking...and I think I am going to pursue photography a bit more than I have been....not neccessarily to make a career out of it or anything, but atleast as a hobby...I certainly love taking pics that's for sure! LOL
Well, I was re-shown how to crochette this past week so I am really excited about that! I have been wanting to make my youngest one of those cute fluffy scarves you see in magazines..with that neat lumpy yarn stuff...nothing fancy...just the regular crochette stitching...and since she's small, I should be able to do it relatively quickly!
And that makes me happy!
And I believe that concludes my journal for the it's off to fold laundry...
...damn laundry from HELL I tell you! lol
OH, and if you want to see a few more of the pumpkin pics and such click here

And here are some pics of my puppy heads! I know..I know...a lot of pics and shit, but I've been away for like weeks it seems and lots of pics have been taken since then damn it...
Here is is almost impossible to get a pic of him sitting still! lol He is such a little wiggle worm!

And here is Zada...with her yellow

And one of her looking at Buddy and probably thinking "what the hell are you doing?" lol

And here's two pics of my big teddy bear, Trowser, in action...I can't wait until we can bring him back in the house...he's such a sweetie pie...'s like "hi momma!"...I know..I'm a dork...

A few weeks ago...god, has it been a month now? Damn...but anyway, we did our ritual pumpkin carving with the kidos...well, the two younger ones anyway...the oldest was in the know how that goes...but here are a few of the shots I took...I was trying my hand at being artsy fartsy! lol

I love taking candid shots of the kids...they do the funniest things! I've also come to the conclusion that I love taking pics of hands...hands at work I guess I should say..I realize this is not a foreign concept, but I can't help but wonder why...hmmmmm....anyway, I have been thinking...and I think I am going to pursue photography a bit more than I have been....not neccessarily to make a career out of it or anything, but atleast as a hobby...I certainly love taking pics that's for sure! LOL
Well, I was re-shown how to crochette this past week so I am really excited about that! I have been wanting to make my youngest one of those cute fluffy scarves you see in magazines..with that neat lumpy yarn stuff...nothing fancy...just the regular crochette stitching...and since she's small, I should be able to do it relatively quickly!

And I believe that concludes my journal for the it's off to fold laundry...

OH, and if you want to see a few more of the pumpkin pics and such click here
thanks for your comment about my set!

punknitemike:'re ALWAYS looking hott!!!