Wayull...I am playing Icewind Dale II and so far I have managed to stay alive...miraculously...Vanny and I have been playing D&D with our 13 yr old here lately and it got me wanting to play something similar on the computer....seeing as all the kidos are here right now and if they're mom knew we were playing D&D she would have a cow....hell, MY mom would fast and pray for a week and I'm almost 30! But anywho....
So my hair is getting longer...I have decided to grow it out into a swing cut again...I'm about pixied out...I'm having to get REAL creative with it now though...it's at that inbetween stage where I can either look like Robert Smith or like shit (basically not fixing it at all and just letting it go)...and the whole Robert Smith look is great and all, unless I'm just wearing jeans and a tee-shirt and going to Walmart! lol But anywho...I actually put some color on my lips today so I decided to take some pics of it! LOL I know..any excuse to get in front of the camera! LOL Vanny was making fun of me...anywho, here is my tribute to oral piercings...god I love these things! The pics are blurry because the lighting sucked...gotta work on that...sigh...
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So my hair is getting longer...I have decided to grow it out into a swing cut again...I'm about pixied out...I'm having to get REAL creative with it now though...it's at that inbetween stage where I can either look like Robert Smith or like shit (basically not fixing it at all and just letting it go)...and the whole Robert Smith look is great and all, unless I'm just wearing jeans and a tee-shirt and going to Walmart! lol But anywho...I actually put some color on my lips today so I decided to take some pics of it! LOL I know..any excuse to get in front of the camera! LOL Vanny was making fun of me...anywho, here is my tribute to oral piercings...god I love these things! The pics are blurry because the lighting sucked...gotta work on that...sigh...

If you want to see the rest click here
I learned from a gramma, so I Just don't know how easy or hard it is to learn from a book!