Feeling a bit low right now due to a certain someone on here. If you read this for some reason know that i wish things were different between us. I wish I didn't have to feel the way i do about you and you didn't have to feel the way you do about me. Wish we could just call it a draw and admit defeat. leave the pain and hatred behind us because i don't want to hold a grudge anymore. I just want to keep some one that no matter how much i disliked at times or how much grief we shared between each other still means a lot to me. I know that you have had a hard life and i have not always been there the way you needed me to. And i guess i won't really be able to anymore ut i don't want to hate anymore and i don't want you to either. White flag is up... I just want peace.
This has been on my mind for a while..... I aware its not just the alcohol speaking.
This has been on my mind for a while..... I aware its not just the alcohol speaking.
Oh man, I'm glad this blog was from May. I was stopping by to say thanks for the FR and feel like I just walked into a world of sludgy yucky stuff--which is pretty much my world. I get it. I just want peace, too
Sorry you had a rough time, here's to hoping everything's good now! and thanks for the FR 
