i haven't slept more than 10 hours in the past week.
and those 10 hours weren't all that great.

i feel like my head is going to explode.

i haven't been in the greatest mood lately.
especially today.

my dog is bounce bounce boucing around trying to jump up in the chair.
i should take her for a walk.
i finally deleted myspace.
i was getting tired of it.

main livejournal account
everyone on yahoo
most everyone on aim

hell yes i'm doing well
next ill get rid of this little thing
once i figure out how to

theres a pretty good chance.
i'm gonna be outta memphis soon.
awesome eh?
as much bitching as i do about moving
its finally going to...
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i take hints well.
it just takes a couple days.
huh...? confused

did you manage to get to the zoo..?
frown bloody weather.

what's the taking hints comment about...?
haha i love how shitty the kids here are.
and people wonder why i want to get out of this city so bad.
i'm off tomorrow!
that makes me so incredibly happy.
the weather better behave so i can go do something.
i do not want to be stuck in my apartment all day.

one of the owners came in to my work today while i was doing some of the tedious bullshit computer work i somehow became responsible for.
he told me to keep track of the...
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hey! cool about all the extra money coming your way.. biggrin

so what are your plans for your day off if the weather behaves..?

love the comment about your neighbours remembering your dogs name and not yours... that is so typical of people frown

enjoy your day off

i had to work on my day off. how awesome is that??

i think its cute how my cat always sits on the edge of the tub in between my shower curtain and liner and waits for me to get out of the shower.

and its cute how belle always sits on my leg when i'm at the computer or sits next to me on...
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thanks for my birthday wishes... biggrin

hope you had a good day off and enjoyed your cheesy horror movie.. kiss
i got a promotion and raise at work today.


gonna celebrate by getting really really drunk.
reasons i dont wanna go to work (besides the fact that i work with idiots and hate my job)

1. i'm tired (i haven't had a day off since monday, and i wont have one until saturday)

2. it's fuckin cold out!

3. my ankle hurts and i don't feel like walking all the way up there.

oh yea.
i can complain with the best...
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Sounds like everyday to me.... every-fucking-day...
day off!

only one this week.
i'm spending it lazing around the house and making a big pot of chili.

i need to get off my ass soon and do some cleaning.
its a wreck in here.

sometime this week,
i need to find a new job.
mine is going to cause me to go insae.

yea i'm boring.
days off are the best.. biggrin
i just noticed you listed maximum overdrive as a favo movie.

you arent boring. youre awesome!