Thursday Sep 17, 2009 Sep 17, 2009 0 Facebook Tweet Email On sunny and crisp days like today, I miss my motorcycle most. Next spring, i have to figure out how to get it out to Montreal. violetred: i wish you could have been there too instead i leaned on random people all throughout the night. and drank, like, a lot. why don't you have the motorcycle up there? well, i guess it is not really suited for the winter Sep 17, 2009 ilyaxous: No, not so much the winter, it's that I'd have to make a whole new trip with a trailer. Flying back and taking the byways through Michigan-Ontario-Quebec also sounds great, but rather time consuming right now... Sep 18, 2009
instead i leaned on random people all throughout the night. and drank, like, a lot.
why don't you have the motorcycle up there? well, i guess it is not really suited for the winter
Flying back and taking the byways through Michigan-Ontario-Quebec also sounds great, but rather time consuming right now...