Hi dear SG community. Tomorrow my next set is coming out. I haven't been active here all month because I simoply have no time - there is war going on and I am working at the backline - volonteering on train stations here in Berlin helpring refugees (very many refugees are arriving to Germany daily), also hosting ukrainian people who fled from war, also attending to demonstrations supporting Ukraine and adressing european goverenments to aid, also organizing charity events, etc... A lot of work to do and still everything feels like it's not enough. I just want this war to stop.
Regarding how you can help - thre is organisation Razom for Ukraine, which has many different fundraisers, and you can donate to any. Regarding volonteership - mostly people who speak russian/ukrainian are needed, because people who are arriving mostly don't speak or understand any other languages and are very disoriented.
At least, Semelda managed to move to Warsaw and is now in safety. Just I am not sure that all the world is in safety now...
Ukraine is now protecting all the Europe from russian aggression. It really needs all the support but unfortunately it appears, that the support of European goverenments is superficial and there are many nice words but they are afraid of real actions. And ordinary people can do not so much, but we are doing what we can. Only hope and hard work keep us going. Glory to Ukraine!