Looking back hers was the 2nd to last Set to drop on the 16th. Which is the middle of the night in most areas, not the best time for getting votes. A classic Pinup Set ( ie. lots of Figleafing ) won't get the votes, that's on the people who vote for more exposure.

@ferkixlll figleafing? you mean not showing pussy? I already doubt it is such a big deal. cause I regularly see sets on FP where is no pussyshots at all, even from afar. May be not every 2nd, but every 3rd perhaps. And not all of them are even superb photographical quality. Some are, some aren't. At the same time some girls show a lot of pussy, work with staff phs, post quality sets, and don't get pink having 10+ sets. I guess all only friendship with admins. Though definitely girls with many likes might have done chances to be bought if they made 15+ sets 2000+ likes each and lost hope and want to go, cause people don't want their "girlfriend" to go. But magical pussy will not open magical pink door, we also must pretend we are "girlfriends" and flirt a lot.