Can somebody explain me, why men use expression "I wanna eat your pussy?" Do they think it is sweet or sexy? IMHO it is creepy and violent. I can understand "lick pussy", but eat... I have never seen ANY girl or gay saying to a man "I want to EAT your dick"! I always only see expression "suck dick". I am pretty sure any man would be scared as fuck if I say him "honey, I want to eat your dick!", cause they care for their dick so much they surely don't want to loose it! But the phrase "I want to eat your pussy" is what I regularly see in comments under other models's posts and what I myself receive in PM! But I also don't want to loose my labia and clitoris, source of my pleasure!
I think we shall explore sex talk. Why do we say this way or that way? Isn't there too much violence in such expressions? Isn't there generally too much violence in sex culture, especially towards women?