Well I'm pissed off now. I get this awesome PS2 demo disc in the mail Wednesday. So play it. Star Wars Battlefield is awesome!! So i go to play a game i just bought, and I get a message saying that my memory card needs to be formatted, so I did and lost three years worth of saved games.
While thinking my Memory card was just old, I go out and buy a new one. I got a letter in the mail yesterday saying that the demo disc has a glitch in it that erases all your saved files. Dammit, not only have i lost my memory data, im now out $30 for a memory card.
Anyway, my thanksgiving was awesome, hope everyone elses was too! Bye

Anyway, my thanksgiving was awesome, hope everyone elses was too! Bye

Thanks for the comment!

ouch. I'd be pissed too! thx about the braces...makes me feel a bit better!!