i don't even know what to say but wow.
i had a huge fight with my family the other day; i decided that i cannot live with my parents. stressed out about where to go, i began looking for a new apt to sublet.
i was bummed when i couldn't find anything in my price range... i'm po', damnit.
the next morning, i looked again on craig's list and BAM! there it was... a studio sublet in gold coast (the district of the city with the highest rental rates) for $480, electricity paid.
i wondered how shitty this place would be... i emailed the dude like i'm really interested... he was surprised by how persistant i was. anyway, i checked the apt out later that day... INFUCKINGCREDIBLE! it's on the 18th floor with a lovely view of downtown... right on elm st. a little east of dearborn... one of the two parts of chicago that reminds me a whole lot of new york; it's FULL of energy and life! it's diverse... there's a lot of snobs surrounded by tons of homeless people.
and it's got a bookstore on the corner, i believe.
FUCK! the universe is totally werking with me... well, it's always werking with me, but right now, it's very apparent, and i feel like i'm being given so much... i'm also having to werk very hard to cope with my situation, but this is the balance.
i'm so excited! i can't fucking wait to move!!@#!@@
i don't even know what to say but wow.
i had a huge fight with my family the other day; i decided that i cannot live with my parents. stressed out about where to go, i began looking for a new apt to sublet.
i was bummed when i couldn't find anything in my price range... i'm po', damnit.
the next morning, i looked again on craig's list and BAM! there it was... a studio sublet in gold coast (the district of the city with the highest rental rates) for $480, electricity paid.
and it's got a bookstore on the corner, i believe.
FUCK! the universe is totally werking with me... well, it's always werking with me, but right now, it's very apparent, and i feel like i'm being given so much... i'm also having to werk very hard to cope with my situation, but this is the balance.
i'm so excited! i can't fucking wait to move!!@#!@@
im tryin the sobriety thing a in the self improvement department...when you commin to cleveland for a show...i got some cds and contraband clothes i wanna send you, get at me...ray
alone is good, fuck roommates....