i spun out for the first time tonight... i fucked up once, but it's all good...
i got my exercise for the year; i danced my ass off when i wasn't on the decks.
the guy that facilitated this is the best contact i've ever come across... he wants to teach me everything he can, he wants me to spin at his club (hip hop 7 nights a week,) and he wants me to spin at the place i spun at tonight again next week.
oh yeh, and he's married (not to mention, he's a really great person, unlike some other djs i know... actually, he knows 3rd. he talked mad shit about him.) he's not on some stupid shit.
i forgot to mention... i ran into a boy from high skool. it's a long story (the high skool shit) but in a nutshell, i liked him and he kinda dissed me because some other guy started some shit (because this other guy wanted to fuck me and i wouldn't let him.) for awhile (this evening,) i didn't want to talk to him, but at some point, after ed had recommended that i go say yo, i realized that i didn't want to regret not having spoken to him; i ended up walking my punk ass over to his side of the room. we talked for a minute about what had happened since high skool.. i forgot that he'd dropped out before i did. blah blah blah, i asked him what he was going to do with his life... he said some bullshit about electrician shit. i asked him why he wasn't doing art (he was a graff-artist back in high skool). he looked at me like i was crazy and was like "do you know how many artists there are out there?". it was within the next 30 seconds that i was like "well, i'm going to go back over there and spin some records now." he told me it had been good to talk to me... i was like, "yeh, you too"

How many electricians are out there?
Way to go! Do you DJ under "mikehunt" as well?