I went to the Godsmack concert last night!!!! My god it was great. And I now have a new super crush, Maynards still number one however, it's Sully Erna...my god he is so fucking hot its not even funny!!! SHinedown was there too and they were great also, their lead singer isnt bad either haha. Some crappy opening band opened up for them, a band called Soil..ugh. It was like a crappy godsmack rip-off mixed with a linkin park new age attitiude. You can assume what they sound like now. But yeah, I wanna do bad things to Sully hahaha..OH MY GOD NO, a threesome with Sully AND Maynard!!!!!!! YEEEEESSSSSSS!!! I have goals now!!!! Oh and I went to the concert stoned off my ass...I think some sort of hallucinegent was involved in that weed too and it was amazing, I don't like to drink of course as i'd rather smoke, it's just that I hate the taste. Oh and it was freeeeeezing!!!! I only had on my tight ripped up jeans, my black corset and a black tight hoody, I looked gooood I assure you haha.

Did you have floor tix or were you in the cheap seats?
Now thats one hell of a goal.