blah blah blah...... not much goin on school, work, pills, school, work, pills, pills. just bein bored in a shitty town. things r lokkin up if i can get shannon i better satrt callin her if i really want her. if i don't get her there's always jetta (yeah right in my dreams).
More Blogs
Sunday May 11, 2003
well my last final is on tuesday, its allmost done. but jetta updated… -
Sunday May 04, 2003
school is almost over, i hate it so much. i'm still havin trouble tal… -
Tuesday Apr 29, 2003
well i hate working at a pharmacy. retail sucks ass nothin but old pe… -
Monday Apr 28, 2003
well i got a big report due on thursday and i still havent started. n… -
Monday Apr 28, 2003
so tired of school. but its almost over 2 more weeks and then i get t… -
Sunday Apr 27, 2003
so bored just sat around all day. maybe i shoulda called shannon, i'm… -
Thursday Apr 24, 2003
blah blah blah...... not much goin on school, work, pills, school, wo…