Hmmmm, my cat is over his uti but now he has to eat special expensive food which he throws up. First I had him pissing all over the house now he pukes all over the house. lol, hopefully Jetta has a new set soon and everything will be better
cool cool name.
im not a fan of the many pretentious and naive fakers in here except for...jetta....of course, not that i signed up to worship and oggle suicide girls, but hey im coming round
I was looking at her friends list & found you...have you ever met her? She is so nice & used to give me advice sometimes...I miss her...wish she would come home...
Blah Blah Blah, isn't jetta yummy
i gotta be more active on the siteand i really should put a pic up at sum point, but i work so much and all i wanna do is sleep, pffffft work who needs it
well i havent updated my journal in awhile, i've been wokin 7 days a week cuz a co-worker died unexpectedly. but Jetta's back so i think i'll write more often and maybe be an active member
yay jetta's back such a good beginning to the end of 2 shitty weeks that i had. dose anyone ever notice when u dont decide with ur friends the entire group is against u even when they agree that he or she was wrong but yet they stick with em and forget about the only one who diagreed with the prob. theres a fine line... Read More