Anyways: things that have been going on in my life!
1) I went to Busch Gardens Williamsburg with a friend of mine. And thus you get awesome pictures like these:

2) I bought a FUCKING HOUSE!! WTF!!! So adult of me.... It looks something like this:
No, I know...I forgot to take a picture of the front of the house. The top two were taken before I moved in. If people care I can maybe run around and take pictures of what it looks like now that I've furnished it and made it my own.
One thing - Since buying a house, I find I drink alone much more often.... odd.
3) Band had another show. It went pretty well. Especially the part where Gary kicked over his entire amp rig and broke his cabinet so we had to have his brother run on stage and hold it all up for the rest of the show. Sooooo metal
Here's a picture a friend took of me sitting in the band's trailer waiting to take the stage:
I actually look like women would like me in this picture! Oh the magic of photo editing....
4) Just the other week my best friend since college, ex girlfriend, and woman I've still been very much in love with ever since I met her - her father died. He had been battling esophageal cancer and things took a turn for the worse. I flew in to Texas to be with her and her mom because the doctors said he wasn't doing well and I wanted to see him (I hadn't seen him in a few years). He literally went into failure 5 minutes after I walked through the door... I stayed there and watched a man whom I considered to be a role model die before me. I stayed for the week and helped plan the funeral, take care of the house, and take care of my friend and her mom. Sadly I eventually had to come home and return to work, they're still there and struggling with the aftermath of the loss. I feel shitty because all I want to do is still be there and I can't be....
5) I'm writing a fucking BOOK! Sorta... I suck at keeping up with it...
ill let you know next time im in Richmond fo sho.