So yeah we had fun.
Umm... since then I've been doing much much thinking. A lot of it is boring thinking on sociology and psychology, conflicts between genders, and why dating and meeting people sucks. I find the shit interesting... though perhaps a bit disheartening. Mostly disheartening that few see things as I do.
Speaking of that I finished the third season of Dexter... /sigh I'm sad that I have to wait for it the new season to hit Blu-ray before I see it. That show is so.... cathartic to me.
I'm realizing once again in my life that I am.... alone. I don't mean in a physical sense or being single or what have you. Bah... I've long since learned to deal with that bullshit. Through my... well I was going to say high school career, but really my whole life until college, I felt a sense of removal from everyone around me. I had friends... lots... girlfriends... I was generally quite well liked. But I felt like I saw and understood things in ways which were vastly different than everyone else I met so that despite my social life I generally felt rather ostracized... alone... For whatever reason this subsided through college. I can chalk it up to my active involvement in my Fraternity, I can chalk it up to meeting a woman who has been the only person to ever "get it", or perhaps even simply being distracted by my own fairly drastic metamorphosis into a much more self-confident and independent individual. However, I'm once again feeling as if there is me... and then everyone else. The way I speak, think, act, conceptualize, adjust... any action I do or do not take... is specifically outside the typical habits of the rest of humanity - even given an acceptable degree of variation.
Oh well... ranting aside. I've played and beat Batman: Arkham Asylum. It is the shit and makes me want to put on a cape and cowl and punch people in the face. More importantly it caused me to pick up all the titles for DC's new Baatman Reborn series (Bruce Wayne died in Final Crisis and Dick Grayson has taken up the cowl with Bruce's son Damian as Robin). I had avoided it at first because was quite mad at DC for killing Bruce... but after reading these books... I'm... enjoying them. A lot. Especially Red Robin which follows Tim Drake (Wayne) around the world as he accepts the help of Ra's Al Ghul and the League of Assassins in hunting down Bruce Wayne... that's right.. they don't believe him to be dead!
Speaking of great DC comics going on... if you're a comic book fan. Even if you haven't touched them in years... even if you never liked who I'm about to mention or hated DC... do yourself a damn favor and start getting interested in
If you haven't been keeping up and want to get started I suggest going back a few years and grabbing up some trades starting with Green Lantern: Rebirth where Hal Jordan is resurrected then follow through the Sinestro Corp Wars, Rage of the Red Lanterns, Sins of the Star Sapphires, and in a month or two Agent Orange. Green Lantern, The War of Light, and the Blackest Night have become some of the best comic book hooks in many years. Geoff Johns has reinvigorated DC comics and is doing simply brilliant work.
Anyways... I'm done for now... take care all.