First of all, I want to thank everyone here in this website and say a big thank to Suicide Girls staff too, thanks to you 2017 started by making me a SG and I couldn't have dreamed better ❤ Thank you 😚
So here is my new SG blog : Actor's Studio Questionnaire
What is your favorite word?
Hope, you can do everything with hope in your heart.
What is your least favorite word?
End, I'm a person for whom past and present are really important, and when you like something, there is no reason to stop ans end it. Yep, I really hate this word.
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
Music, my (crazy) love one, drama movies (love tragedy),...
What turns you off?
Judgment ans hypcrisy
What is your favorite curse word?
Asshole 😋
What sound or noise do you love?
Cat's purr
What sound or noise do you hate?
My doorbell, it's too strident
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Psychologist, singer or chef of my own restaurant (love to Cook so much 😙)
What profession would you not like to do?
Working in a slaughterhouse
Thanks a lot @missy and @rambo for this funny questionnaire ❤
nice blog and beautiful pic