Hope you're all alright in this end of 2015 and hope you spent a wonderful Christmas day !
I'm not on holidays yet, I have to wait january for that but I spent a good Christmas eve with my bf's family. It wasn't possible for me to go to Portugal to see my father for Christmas, but I'll go next summer so I'm happy and can't wait for that ^^
End of december is the best moment to think about our New Year resolutions, so here are mine :
- Become Vegan :
I'm already veggie and quite totally eat vegan, but now I'm ready to change my diet completly. I feel better now I changed my diet for veggie, it was first for Earth protection and to fight against the food-processing industry excesses (I cook local and organic products,...), but 3 months ago I began a member of a animal protection association and I feel more and more concerned by it.
Our world is sick and doesn't go right. I'm pretty sure that everyone has to change the way to live, simply to be happier and healthier. It's true about our way to eat, but also our way to consume, to communicate with people,...
- Be more active in associations and the World :
In the same vein, I want to develop my way to live, but I also want to share it with people.
I don't like to judge people (we're nothing in Earth and humans are full of defaults so we have to be modest, I think), even if someone don't think like me, I won't judge.
I think that if we want to change the world, the best way is to inform and educate people, letting them time to think.
(look ahead 😜 )