My band can kick your bands ASS! (at Tony Hawk Underground)
Things with the band are REALLY coming along. I dare say one of our songs even tips the amazing scale, it sounds like a lot like old Manchester music from the early 90's. Monday we practiced for 4 hours, it feels good to rawk.
I am so broke! The Maloofs (owners of the Sacramento Kings) want my money for playoff tickets and they are SO much money, and I just don't have it after paying my auto insurance for the year. By the way, did you know if you have CSAA (AAA) and you pay yearly instead of monthly, you save the 12% interest fee's you probably didn't even know you had?
I saw an old friend I hadn't seen since 1992 yesterday. We dated until I met the woman I would eventually marry. As a matter of fact the last time I saw her (Gloria) she came up to me after playing at the Sacramento SAMMIES with Cake, and asked if I wanted to hang out, and I couldn't because my new love interest was standing right next to me. Weird, she went on to have 3 kids, me 1 of course. She looks wonderful, has a philosophy degree, sings opera for real in a company in San Francisco, and I am so happy to know her again.
Anyway... yeah...
Things with the band are REALLY coming along. I dare say one of our songs even tips the amazing scale, it sounds like a lot like old Manchester music from the early 90's. Monday we practiced for 4 hours, it feels good to rawk.
I am so broke! The Maloofs (owners of the Sacramento Kings) want my money for playoff tickets and they are SO much money, and I just don't have it after paying my auto insurance for the year. By the way, did you know if you have CSAA (AAA) and you pay yearly instead of monthly, you save the 12% interest fee's you probably didn't even know you had?
I saw an old friend I hadn't seen since 1992 yesterday. We dated until I met the woman I would eventually marry. As a matter of fact the last time I saw her (Gloria) she came up to me after playing at the Sacramento SAMMIES with Cake, and asked if I wanted to hang out, and I couldn't because my new love interest was standing right next to me. Weird, she went on to have 3 kids, me 1 of course. She looks wonderful, has a philosophy degree, sings opera for real in a company in San Francisco, and I am so happy to know her again.
Anyway... yeah...
I kind of miss the Sacramento music scene, mainly because it was so off the beaten path.