Explore the CAT-A-COMBS 🐈🪥 beneath Lord Xerus' castle as the Crunk Knight⚔️🛡 takes you on this zany adventure!


I'm so sorry ladies... I almost forgot to post my latest video here! I'd hate for you to miss it. It's full of pretty sparks and also power tools! And a furry friend makes an appearance at the end! I think you will like it.


Time to buff out the rust, sweep out the cobwebs, squeeze back into the #armor, and sweat to the oldies... of the 900's through the 1600's! Time to go BACK TO FIGHTER PRACTICE!

This seems so nice!!

This is my latest video. I've been working on it since February. It's not nearly as fun as the Halloween special, but it's nearly as long and almost took as much effort to make. *Sigh* On days like this I'd rather be a sexy lady and take gorgeous sexifull pictures like you gals. But hey, a like from you will cheer me up!


Okay, so I decided to make a Halloween special a week and a half before #Halloween. Not a good Idea. Didn't finish it until the day of Joe Biden's inauguration day. OOOPS! IT'S JANUARY! Well that doesn't mean you can't put on your sexiest #HalloweenCostume and celebrate with your favorite knight!


There's this fancy word, and all the other armor bois are arguing about how it's pronounced. All I'm saying is that, as a time-traveling zombie knight, I was actually there, so I could clear this up in a jiffy! Okay, so I didn't pay that close attention back then. So there's no way going head-to-head with some of the internets smartest smart bois could back...
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Even you sexy ladies know that you should never read the comments on a youtube video, UNLESS you have amazing fans! You have amazing fans, and so does Lord Xerus! Join the Crunk Knight as he reads what they have to say. And, he will melt your heart with an operatic performance!


That's the catchphrase from our newest video! Hey, sometimes you just want to spruce up the place with nifty medieval set pieces. What's that? Your hand crafted appliance didn't come switches or plugs? Time to invoke the help of the local handy-dandy sorceress and break out the magic fairy fire!


We sure do! Over the weekend, Lady Saystine and I were feeling a bit melancholy about not being able to go to Labyrinth Masquerade Ball!, so I decided to put together this video that I really should have done two years ago, my bad. But thanks to my laziness, we can now reminisce about the past and dream about the future. #LabyrinthOfJareth

Great video! U wore a mask before it went mainstream!
@okkatana Yes, thank you for noticing! :)

Travel is not easily achieved this day and age, especially for some pokey countries that have dummies in charge. But with these cool little miniature models, you can close your eyes and picture yourself in your favorite book. Follow us as we do exactly that and visit Minas Morgul from Return of the King of the #LordOfTheRings series! #LotR