So, I finally finished my web-design course. And also finished my work in the nightclub. barmaid. This summer I couldn't find a job. What one hand it is good because I have time to rest but in the other hand I'm broke. ufff. but fuck this shit.
Apart from that, now that I have more time, I will devote myself more to photography. stop being a lazy ass. I need to move! dont you think?
Next week I should be with Gossip, then maybe a new set?


that dumb face that everyone already knows
andddddd my first magazine <3 (super happy and excited about thisss)
photos by the AMAZING Waikiki!
For now it everything.. I'm not that inspired to say all the weird things sometimes I write for you guys . ahha
I just try to not think a lot..cause if I do, I'm going to find things I dont want..you know. I try to be a better person everyday and make the right things. I try to be more ME... but sometimes a forget know I really am. dont know.. forget <3
ahhh One more thing. I've made a etsy for my Prints
Talk to me more times now cause I have more time to respond. I miss all of you <3 really really
you can find me on facebook, tumblr, IG: illusionsiv andd my wishlist .
big kiss and good vibes,
Your Illusion