have you seen that "ugly kid" is in FP today?

Thank you sooo much for all the support you have gave me. This set was the special one for me!

Ok... news! A lotttt of news!
First of all my course ends this month, so I'm super busy with the final work. I have to make a website for some very special people to me.
Besides being super nice people, they are super creative. 've seen La Cerise shop?
Now they have a web-site (mine will be better hohoho) full of beautiful things! Take a peek.

OK.. the boring part!
if you have read my previous blogs (super boring) know that my life havent running so well. broken hearts are the worst, right? I actually ended up my head and now I have to follow my life in front of head up. I have suffered all I have to suffer and then overcome. I can not simply ignore. Humankind can not bear very much reality ... people dont want it. because you know ... ILLUSION (S) are better! ahah
I have to thank you for all the messages and comments I received given me support and different opinions. helped me A LOT to raise the head and face life as it has to be. you guys are awesome <3
news news news.
besides being a lazy ass, guilty! At the end of this month I'm going to Lisbon to shoot another set .nice? and of course to see the girls and enjoy the city as far as it can. anddd I Just booked for the Portugal shootfest. I'm a lucky bastard! Super excited for that. meet new girls will be perfect. beyond that...... this summer I also make another AWESOME trip but I will not tell already

as always a buch of selfies and random stuff for you!

I will start selling print's. Tchan Tchan Tchan
So, I 'm doing a give away one each for y'all. For win one print just send me a private message with a drawing, picture, video or a text about me and what you think of my work. super easy right? I will pic the 4 bestttt messages and send you a print with a special message <3
the prints is 9"x6" - Matt paper. 24 euros each. more shipping. how I will start now, the first 3 have freeshipping. I can sign the prints for you open request and if you want a personal message let me know If you want one just send me a message my Little babycakes!
for know its everything..I think!
One more time, thank you so much for who you are! you guys fucking rock!
So, you can find me on facebook, tumblr, IG: illusionsiv andd my wishlist .
keep strong!
your Illusion.