Well... life it's pretty incredible. I could say... Just me...a weirdo with my weird thoughts and... weird things. could be more happier?

Life is to short for us spend the time feeling bad (yeah I know random shit). But I think people are just tooo lazy and not magic at all. The world gives you so many incredible thing that you have everyday in your life but you dont open your eyes to see it. Its a shame..
One of this magic things? Moon

a while ago there was the eclipe. Hope you are one of the lucky "bastards" and saw it in your front, cause I dont (just in the web, nott the same damn thing).
I'm a spirit of the nature. literally. I just feeling good and calm when I'm in contact with her. And she is the one that make my magic soul. And this... is a lot to me! Do you have a magic soul too?

My projects:
A year ago I made a set with my wonderfulllllll Taya! but unfortunately we never send it to mr. Now, cause we love the photos, we expose them!

You can see the rest of the photos here*
"Appreciate this" in the end of the page if you like it
Lately I just feel like a lazyyyyy woman to shoot. Yeah its bad but between the school and give attention to the people I love has been complicated. But soon I have news about this for you.
Their Projects:
Today I'm gonna talk about music! Apart my country it's a shitt we have the proud to say that we have wonderfull and talented musicians here.

Besides many project he had with many bands, now he started his own project. This man is just an incredible and tallented musician.
I use to say that he have a star up his head. It's incredible and a fucking huge headddd to do what he do and works "all" the time.

Well, he's recording a new album and of course all we are waiting to listen it.
You can hear and see HERE
andd if you like dubstep...

Two guys that can make you a little bit crazy.
I'm not a person who likes very much this kind off music but this bastards fucking rocks.
You can see more videos HERE.

Life is to short for us spend the time feeling bad (yeah I know random shit). But I think people are just tooo lazy and not magic at all. The world gives you so many incredible thing that you have everyday in your life but you dont open your eyes to see it. Its a shame..
One of this magic things? Moon

a while ago there was the eclipe. Hope you are one of the lucky "bastards" and saw it in your front, cause I dont (just in the web, nott the same damn thing).
I'm a spirit of the nature. literally. I just feeling good and calm when I'm in contact with her. And she is the one that make my magic soul. And this... is a lot to me! Do you have a magic soul too?

My projects:
A year ago I made a set with my wonderfulllllll Taya! but unfortunately we never send it to mr. Now, cause we love the photos, we expose them!

You can see the rest of the photos here*
"Appreciate this" in the end of the page if you like it

Lately I just feel like a lazyyyyy woman to shoot. Yeah its bad but between the school and give attention to the people I love has been complicated. But soon I have news about this for you.
Their Projects:
Today I'm gonna talk about music! Apart my country it's a shitt we have the proud to say that we have wonderfull and talented musicians here.

Besides many project he had with many bands, now he started his own project. This man is just an incredible and tallented musician.
I use to say that he have a star up his head. It's incredible and a fucking huge headddd to do what he do and works "all" the time.

Well, he's recording a new album and of course all we are waiting to listen it.
You can hear and see HERE
andd if you like dubstep...

Two guys that can make you a little bit crazy.
I'm not a person who likes very much this kind off music but this bastards fucking rocks.
You can see more videos HERE.

New set coming soon? I guess so...
Visit me here:
IG: @illusionsiv
Big hug,
your Illusion!
mesmo eheh xD pq no mandaram esse set pa mr?
Nope, voltei tera a noite, nao sa de albufeira xD o que d n ter carro ahahaha