It's a peacefull feeling to my heart that some people think there is hope for this world. the people have to wake up once and see what is really important to us. Protect who needs to be protect because some reason they cant. We have sincerely the possibility to change this world for better. dont you think? I believe

I dont have interesting news for you sorryyy. but my head is full of projects.

I have been in my boyfriend's city.My partner of life. Lots of loveeeeeee. Feels good.
I have been working with my Taya. See if you like :
Wolf and I
Appreciate this in the end of the page if you like

When poison becomes love

So, for now it's all. I hope all of you are feeling good much as I Am
Follow me in my instagram: @illusionsiv
and Tumblr
Big hug,
your illusion.
Leaving Blog Love
cool sets =*