But I have a lot to show you. I hope you like it.
FIRST OF ALL, my set "From England with love" is in MR. Take a look and teel me what you think.
My girl is in our site finallyy! JOKER!
Pleeease give her much of your love! She deservesss!

And we have a new hopefull Von_Chaos. Isn't she gorgeous? DJISUS.

In these times I have had much to do! Which is good.
A few weeks ago I went to Braga to do a job for Boombap with my lady Taya and I have a looottss of fun.

I also had a photo shoot for a store "La Cerise" Take a look and fall in love. The things are super cute!
I can't show the pics but shhhhsss!
My hair is big again
I've been experimenting Origami and I'm getting a little addicted ... a little big!
I made a little wolf and a love letter <3
Some days ago I went to the place that I identify more and that makes me happy. This place where the soul feel completely satisfied. I could spend hours lying in the woods, looking at the sky. Just me and nature. I feel like a child of nature. I feel it inside me. Makes me wonder that sometimes we value things that don't deserve to be value. We spend half our lives worried about what we should not, loving things that are not worthy and subject us to situations that should not exist, And maybe that things only exist because we created them consciously or unconsciously.
We are the ones own we give a direction to our lives. We connect to people and we became dependent on them. What we don't understand is that we just need ourselves.
I feel good with myself, alone or not. I mean ... I have nature, I'm never alone and with a full filled soul. I'm a lucky girl. One of the best things we have in our world and 99% of people do not take advantage, by the contrary they destroy it. My dream is to live in the woods, alone with my dreams, thoughts, smiles .. Dear lord .. Want.
Enough of my dreams...
I've been thinking about my next set, I have the slight feeling u gonna like.
A clue?
Random stuff:
I need your help! I'am looking for pocket watch. anyone?
Please take a look in this sets. THEY ARE AWESOME and the girls are stunning!
I miss you .. <3
With love,
your Illusion.