So yup, today's the day. The internet shuts down out here in merely thirty five minutes. After that, I hand in my room key, and head to the flight line where I'll end up waiting probably the whole day in a tent with 59 other people until I take off to head to Dubai. Maybe a few hours there, maybe a day, who knows. What I do know, is the next time anyone will hear from me on here, it will be from the states!!
More Blogs
Saturday May 26, 2012
I can't quite see or feel what my future may hold. I know this may so… -
Friday Feb 24, 2012
No matter where my travels take me, I will always bear witness to a s… -
Friday Jan 06, 2012
And it starts again. I totally thought I was beyond this, but I'm not… -
Friday Dec 16, 2011
Very interesting weekend ahead. Probably filled with pictures. Let's … -
Wednesday Nov 30, 2011
Read More -
Monday Nov 28, 2011
I came out of the darkness, with a bullet in my hand. Been a c… -
Tuesday Nov 15, 2011
I need something to break this monotony. Badly. I love my family and … -
Monday Oct 31, 2011
So yup, today's the day. The internet shuts down out here in merely t… -
Friday Oct 28, 2011
So in my day of super boredom, I ended up going through and deleted a… -
Friday Oct 28, 2011
So yeah... Even though I filed my paperwork to head home on the 4t…